
This blog is an on-going work in progress, just like its creator. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, and the not-so-innocent. The events portrayed are as true and accurate as my perspective and memory allows, and are subject to change without further notice in the future. You will not find any Pay Per Post on my blog... No advertising. No peddling of anything other than my personal thoughts, opinions, and experiences... If you are reading my words it is because you are choosing to share a birds-eye view into my playground, not because I am pounding down your door asking to come in out the elements uninvited. With all of that out of the way, I really am glad you are here…

Friday, June 1, 2007

Weekly Weigh In...


How did this get here so quickly? I know that I was dragging last week with getting around to the measurements and what the scale said, but really? Is it time AGAIN? I don't feel like I made any progress... (Not to mention that I am seemingly continuously hungry. Which I do not get, I am never hungry. So what is going on here?)

Anyway...Here we go...

136.5 (Down from 139 last week... Dangerously close to drop-dead weight, but heading in the correct direction...)

Up from 25%. I am un-happily at 27%. This I do not get at all... I will wait until next week to freak out though... perhaps this is that weird girlie-gain stuff... We shall see...

Yeah... Like I am going to cop to those here... (Can you just tell that I am not in a sharing mood this week? Maybe next time... Maybe not... But I did take them...) And if you take this to mean that they went up... They did... Grrr...

I did not make it back to the gym since the last posting. I had down time. I did manage to do 50 whopping sit-ups and 10 push-ups... And tonight I went for a bike ride with a friend. Does moving stuff for several hours count? Nah... I did not think so either, but at least I was not a bed bug or a couch potato...

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