I am back in Boston again...
I took the red eye on Sunday. (Along with about 50 5th graders... Luckily, they slept for the trip...) When I got to the airport, no one was there to meet me.
It was the crack of dawn, and the Boyfriend had slept through his alarm... Not that he had any reason to be tired... He has only been moving along at the speed of light trying to get everything taken care of before the relocation road trip that starts this weekend... So with packing and getting all the details of his new job taken care of, and holding the hands of the staff at the job he is leaving, and taking care of the travel details and trying to find a place to live in the City, and everything else, he slept through his alarm...
Needless to say, he felt terrible... Still does... (Now this is total teasing fuel to add to the fire of why I have not yet jumped him at the airport... The first time he walked right past me... Got to love that... And this time beats that time by a mile!) Of course the second opportunity I had, he came dancing up to the song "(This will be an)Everlasting Love"... Now THAT was priceless... His huge grin and bouncing step as he danced, yes- literally danced, his way up the baggage claim to me to envelop me in one of his incredible hugs that last for days, but never last long enough...

So it seems that we are destined to have funny tales that happen when we are not just apart, but together as well... I just might have found the "Ricky" to my "Lucy" after all... I really should have known better... I mean, for all the times that Ricky got into his own capers, I should have known that it was not just Lucy who could keep life filled with laughter... (And for all that I would have loved for him to have met me at the airport, I love more that he keeps me laughing... But since the Boyfriend is likely going to be reading this, it is best to add that I really do want to jump him in the airport at some point... Just like all those sappy black and white posters... Though with our luck, I really will knock him over if I try it, I can see it now... Laid out flat in front of the TSA guys and trying to explain that it was a friendly attack... Yeah...)
On another note, it was really liberating to take the subway on my own. And a very good thing that I packed as lightly as I did... I was sent on a small adventure trying to find the right line... I even had a nice angel take a couple of minutes to escort me to the necessary line and lift my spirits up when I was starting to feel rather lost and confused... But one bus, and three subway trains later, I was at the right station and rewarded with that big grin and those incredible arms that I love so much...
He met me at the ending point so that he could at least walk me home... And THAT was a wonderful thing indeed...
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