Road Trip Wrap Up…
And so here I sit… In the desk in front of a window in the room of the hotel… Catching up on my Blogs… Both in reading them and writing them… And I am relaxing… I am happy. And I think I am going to sleep away the rest of the day…
Yesterday, the Boyfriend secured an apartment to live in near to his new job… We went to the beach with some more of his wonderful friends… And we scrubbed what was left of the road off our bodies…
They say that if you can survive a long road trip with someone, everything else is a piece of cake. The Boyfriend said that he thought that this might be a make or break sort of a trip… I did too for the reasons that I was meeting so many of his friends and family, not the trip itself… But as it turns out… It was just a road trip. He visited people that he has not seen in ages, I met fabulous new people, and we both got to spend a lot of time together… In very close quarters… We had some great adventures… saw some cool things… And as the Boyfriend says, we managed to not smell like gerbils… So it all turned out okay… And in the end... There is the hair dryer… (It is good to keep things in perspective… If worrying about a hair dryer is as crazy as it gets… Then life really is good… Don’t you agree?)
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