Day Five:
Day Five was heaven… We slept in… And then when I thought that it would not get any better… A hot shower with a HAIR DRYER… (Now I am easy to please… And when I am traveling light, as I have been for this trip… A hair dryer goes an exceptionally long way to please me greatly… And my newfound friend had one… And let me make good use of it… I adore my new friend…)
I whipped up a quick frittata and cleaned up the kitchen from the night before. Turns out that Cowboy Burgers, hot links, veggies and eggs make a fabulous frittata… We ate and were happy… The kitchen gleamed and the cats decided to be cuter than I thought cats could be… (I happen to be rather afraid of cats, due to an unfortunate recurring childhood experience involving some neighborhood bullies and cats caught up in sacks… But these cats were sweet… And one in particular, managed to steal a tiny bit of my heart with his quirky personality and conversational meows… Even after he pounced on my toe from several feet away…)
After breakfast we drove into the city for a look-see… We dawdled here and there… Until lunch… Then dawdled some more… It was relaxing and easy going and the company was wonderful. My cheeks finally just stopped hurting from all the smiling I was doing… We saw where Kennedy was shot, and I took the most morbid photo ever… My feet at the X… I still feel a tad creepy about it… But… (Well… I’ll post it up in the album with all the other places that my feet have been…) And I picked up a great book on Jackie… (She is rapidly replacing my Barbie fascination… What a remarkable person… To be able to make so much out of a life and to keep moving forward and ever onward… Inspirational…)
We dawdled some more… And ended up in this cool little bar called Lee Harvey’s. There is a cat named bacon (Who has a fan club on MySpace…) and a hammock outside that we made good use of… The Boyfriend even played a silly bar game that involved a ring on a rope and a hook on a fence… There was a cool breeze, cold beer, ice cream and conversation… It was a great place…
More dawdling… (I drove the turbo charged bug to dinner… Now that was fun… I forgot how fun a little car could be… And that one has balls… Who knew?) We had TexMex for dinner… Another first for me… (I would do TexMex again… Nice and spicy, with a lingering hint of chili powder… Almost smoky in flavor… The Crawdads… Not so much… They were good… But a ton of work… I much prefer shrimp… And sucking the heads… Not really my sort of thing…)
A somewhat early end to the night as we all had to be up and going the following morning…
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