I wanted to dash this out before we left for the road trip in the dark of the morning... I have no idea where my next internet connection and web "fix" will be coming from or when...
I have been in Boston this past week... Taking things easy and hiding out from the locals and the rain. I usually love the rain, but I had enough of it this past spring and really did not want to try to figure out how to dry out my shoes... (I only have two pairs with me, so you know how that would go... And wet feet that cannot get dry are no fun...) It was actually nice though... I enjoyed the hibernation... Even more so yesterday, when I finally figured out that I could turn on the little radiator and huddle next to it on the floor... I was seriously happy... I was warm, it was quiet, there was much smiling and being a silly goof ball alone with the music on my laptop and the internet to keep me company... (And you should have seen the look on the Boyfriend's face when he came home to find me thus... It is a very good thing that he knows me or he just may start to wonder at things like that...)
We had dinner at a great B-B-Q place called Red Bones in Cambridge... (Or maybe it is Sommerville, I can't tell where one ends and the other begins... But neither can the locals...) Anyway... Dinner was wonderful. And I do not say that lightly as I really do not like B-B-Q. As in, not at all... But the grilled salmon was great and the potatoes were perfection... The soda was served in an over-sized mason jar... So you get the idea as to the formality of the place... It wasn't. It was fun and vibrant and filled from top to bottom in crazy decor that would be fabulous under black lights... Just sitting there made you want to reach over to the people at the next table and party it up... (And since I was not really looking forward to going there, recall that I detest B-B-Q... It is only fair to add; C.C. was right. The food was excellent. It was fun. I would be happy to go again. I will even try another B-B-Q place on the road trip... Ohhh... Did I just add that last part? Yeah... Okay... I will, it was good...)
Today there was sunshine... So I went on an adventure in the city, as I have been staying in Cambridge... I took the T and guessed at a good place to depart the train... I stumbled out into the daylight and right into a block party... Complete with a little stage and guys singing and freebie give-aways and food and vendors and tons of people milling about... Then onto the harbor to see the boats and the Children's Museum... Which was really cool. I would say it has to be the best one I have ever seen... I do admit that I must have looked strange in a Children's Museum without a child, but it is not as if I could rent one for the afternoon in a strange city... And something tells me that Boston is just not that sort of place... They had a real Japanese House from Kyoto... That was by far my favorite part of the day. I must have talked to the docent for 45 minutes about all the different things that they had inside... I loved it all... And it made me rally glad that I was not any taller than I was, if I were even just and inch or two more, I would have hit my head on the door frames... I think I could easily say that I would be happy living in a home like that... It would be interesting for sure, but it was somehow reassuring too...
I had an interesting experience on the train ride back... Or I should say, rather, waiting for the train... It is a delicate thing to discuss... Let us just say that I think this poor guy was afraid that a part of his anatomy might fall off... He was holding himself for dear life... At least that was all he was doing... Needless to say, I did not sit in the same car on the way back...
And that would be the excitement that I have had... (For now... I know, rather dull...)
Tomorrow we get in the car and drive to Delaware... I think we might get to go to Atlantic City... For that I am very excited... I will have to let you know... All I know for certain is that it will be an adventure...
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