I have this horrible habit that I have developed... I surf for Blogs... (Thanks to Blogger's Choice Awards for getting me curious as to what else was out there in the Blogosphere...) And then I wondered what Blogs those that I know read... (Aside form the Blogs of those that you know, or have connected to in some real way in a virtual world...) So I thought that I would post up my list of current favorites... Those that keep me entertained in time that I might have turned to a magazine in the past... Blogs to spark my imagination, to make me laugh, to take a peek into some stranger's life... (And now you can see a piece of what sparks my interest, at least for now, for I am admittedly fickle...)
Some of the Blogs that I keep on my Google Reader, in no particular order:
The Kosher Blog
Blog that has tip and recipes for all things kosher. Not that I keep kosher, or even that I am Jewish. But my brother and his family are orthodox, so this has sparked my interest... Well written and informative. Good Pictures. I like pictures.
Kosher Newbie
The "other" kosher Blog that I read. Explains a lot of the unknowns for me. The author has a nice way of inviting the reader into her home and sharing a slice of her daily life... This one I read more for the story of going kosher and all it entails.
Viator Travel Blog
This one is a new addition. And the jury is still out... But since I have been living out of my suitcase and on the "run" for the past couple of years, it has my interest... Not to mention that the Boyfriend is totally into trotting the glob, so I would like to see what lies beyond my own experiences... Did I mention that I recently bought a few travel books? Well, this Blog is sort of like those... Only updated and added to all the time...
The Sunny Raw Kitchen
A good Blog filled with recipes of raw dishes and the photos to go with them. Like I said, I love photos. I want to know what the food is going to come out like... (Even though I know that it is all camera magic behind the photo... But as my Chef always said, we eat first with our eyes...) I have yet to actually try any of the recipes... I more use the ingredients as an inspiration point for flavor combinations, and that seems to work well... Also easy enough to make the little changes to add in meats or grains that are cooked... (I know, that defeats the raw diet, but I never claimed to be raw... Just liking to be a raw as possible... Thanks again to the Boyfriend on this one... Yes, I am dating a rabbit...)
The Lost Girls
This one is a travel journal of three women in their 20's who decided to travel the glob for a year. This is one of my newest guilty pleasure Blog reads. The girls are pretty, what they do is exciting, the photos are great... Makes me want to cast off my life and run away too...
The Ben Spark
This guy takes a photo of something every day, and then posts it... Simple enough right? Not as much as you would think... With my own daily photo project more than halfway over, I know what sort of nuts, uh, drive this guy must have... And he has been doing this for years... What I really like is that it has taught me to see things in a different way... And as a result, my photography style has changed quite a bit... For the better I think... Now he does do PPP, which I abhor, but it is a piece of cake to scroll past all the text and go right to the photo... Sorry Ben, but I really hate slogging through the PPP crap... So you know the pictures must be good for me to do that...
Shutter Eye
Another photography Blog that is so good it makes you think you are looking at gallery photographs... And with a professional-amateur photographer for a Mother, I know gallery when I see it...
San Francisco Daily Photography
I am addicted to this one because this is the city of my heart after all... Every photo I look to see if I know the place, if I have been there yet... And they are good pictures too... Lots of black and white... The site is difficult to maneuver around in, but much easier when I just have it come up on the Google Reader...
RockStar Mommy
I hate to admit it, but this is my favorite Blog right now... She says all the things I think, uncensored. We share a sense of humor, and it gives me a glimpse of what my life "could" be like... And at times, makes me really glad that I am single and without children... I can sleep all night, I never see a diaper, I have no teenagers to deal with, no husband to tease... But she has a great view of the world... This one makes me smile, even when I swear that I can hear her screaming over the distance of cyber-space...
Post Secret
One of the only pop culture Blogs that I read. And I have even made a postcard to send in to the guy... (The Boyfriend found a torn up letter on the side of the road on a trip we took, we thought it would be cool to turn it into a postcard for the Blog... (Which is also three, soon to be four books by the way... I almost fell over when I saw it in Barnes and Noble the last time I was there...) Really though, great site... Quick gratification...
Pointless Drivel
Now I can't honestly say why it is that I like this Blog... Perhaps it is my inner freak that comes to the surface every now and again. Perhaps it is that it pushes every button I have, but since it is doing it through the Blogosphere, it is not so bad... Perhaps some where I too can enjoy the innane, and yes, pointless, drivel this guy really does spout. And spout he does... He is more prolific than I am and he self-entertains with U-Tube as well. He is larger than life. You know, perhaps it is that when I read his stuff, I just feel so (thankfully) mundane and evolved. But in the end, I kind of have a fondness for the guy and his escaped miniature monkeys... But don't say that I did not warn you...
New York Nitty-Gritty
A great photo a day Blog with a short attached caption of the photo and/or why it was taken... Since the Blog is really that short and to the point, I'll let my description be that way too...
Metro Dad
A parenting Blog from the Dad's point of view. He is light and funny and still a real guy... Not sure why this strikes my fancy, but if you are into the kids or parenting thing, this might be right up your alley...
Married with Dinner
A good place to go if you want to read up on all the different places to go to dine, or fins a smattering of different recipes and party ideas... The author lives in San Francisco, so this may only be a good Blog for those that are local, wish that they were, or are planning a trip there... Even has a few pictures...
Lunch in a Box
Now this is probably going over the edge, but I love it! A Blog all about packed lunches... Photos and everything... You will think I am nuts for reading this one, but think about the guy who posts it... Either way, I have used the idea for planning picnics and for my own dinner, sans the cute little "boxes" that he touts...
Boob, Injuries, & Dr. Pepper
A Blog that qualifies for as a parenting Blog, that really is just so funny that it is a humor Blog to me... A great resource for the future, should I ever be faced with the myriad of child-rearing issues, mother and mother-in-law questions, and general life woes... Something I read to forget myself and just enjoy a moment in someone else's zany life...
Andy Hobo Traveler
My last travel Blog, I swear... This guy has been living as a world traveler for 10 years... And he goes to some far reaching locations... Dry with a bit of interest on the side, but ohhh how different from everything else that I have come across... Better than a National Geographic and the same sort of content as far as the stories go. Good photos, but not the best in the world... This guy is a traveler, not a photographer... He is the real deal, not on a group excursion... If you want to know the reality of traveling to far away places, this is the Blog for you too...
1 comment:
I am doing one of these too! I will definitely and check out your list.
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