I admit it, I have been a bum when it comes to going to the gym. So Bite me... I am hungry and tired and don't have enough time in the world to get to everything that I need to...
Actually I am doing rather well on the getting things done before I fly out on Sunday, but there is a pint of Strawberry ice cream that someone else so nicely placed into the freezer for me thinking that I should have the same sabotaging treats as everyone else... Thank you so very much... I have goals... I want to have a rockin' hard body... I want arteries that do not tell me that I am in my thirties and getting older every day... I want to make it up and down the cliffs when I go to the beach without feeling like my lungs are going to quit mid way through the trip. I want to sport a tiny tushie and a six pack for Burning Man... I want my favorite jeans to fit me comfortably again... I want many things... (And right now I hear that damn ice cream in the freezer screaming out to me... I want the cravings and the emotional baggage thoughts that are tossing about my head to just stop already... I am not entitled to ice cream... I can get it any time I like... Geeze... You would think I was a PMS-ing teenager with no will power for all that I want that ice cream right now...
Weight: Same... But my jeans are not fitting the same as they used to... So this is better than before... And they say that muscle weighs more than fat... We are going to accept this since it works in my favor for now...
BMI: Same... But my jeans are fitting me better than two weeks ago... Don't point out that the tiny bit of fat that is placed directly over my abs has not changed AT ALL... Just don't go there... This will likely be the last thing to change on my body because it is the part that I want changed most... Well that and the woodgies that wiggle on my upper arm when I wave... Grrr... Like I said, this week, we are not going there...
Exercise: I managed to do a competition with myself this week... Though it will be ages before I will be able to get to do it again... In one hour I did 457 calories on the elliptical. In 30 minutes I did 236 calories. This was on the same night with really deep stretching in between the two. I noticed that I was loosing flexibility again so I am making sure to take advantage of the really warm muscles to pull everything apart again. I figure this will give me a better goal than to get in there to kill off 1,000 calories... I just don't have it in me to do 1,000 calories every time I feel the need to be a hamster. This way I cut my time way down, and I can do it multiple times in a night if I am up for it... The idea is to get the highest amount of calories in an hour... And now I am at level 3, rather than level 1 where I started at... Not bad for a gal on the go...
Irritability on the subject: High... I am just as likely to tell you to kiss my over-sized, starting to get tanned, flabby behind, as I am to eat the ice cream... And for those that know me, then you know how bad that craving really is...
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