
This blog is an on-going work in progress, just like its creator. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, and the not-so-innocent. The events portrayed are as true and accurate as my perspective and memory allows, and are subject to change without further notice in the future. You will not find any Pay Per Post on my blog... No advertising. No peddling of anything other than my personal thoughts, opinions, and experiences... If you are reading my words it is because you are choosing to share a birds-eye view into my playground, not because I am pounding down your door asking to come in out the elements uninvited. With all of that out of the way, I really am glad you are here…

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Like the Vikings, I was HERE...

Dear Friends;

Today I wrote my name in wet cement… I created a beautiful masterpiece of letters and signed it with my handprints… Then I dragged my father to the beach. When we returned, I discovered that it had been wiped cleaned. Funny how things like that happen… I was given a clean slate. Everything wiped clean. Then the workers came to me and said that they had been instructed to clear it, so they did. They felt badly and said that I should put it back. They came to me twice. Funny that. Leave your mark. Have it wiped clean. Be approached to have it put back. And then replace it once again.

I think we all leave a mark. A residue, an imprint on the wet concrete that surrounds our lives, and the lives of those we come in contact with. Just remember to mark your life carefully and with purpose.

So what did I finally etch in the pavement, leaving my graffiti marks in struck into the un-hardened stone like some modern day Viking traveler?

the sunny side of the street
you are here
life is sweet- enjoy it well

The rest of my writings, my Dear Friends, are for those that find their way to my childhood home and see that I was, indeed, here.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I see you... Or do I?

Dear Friends;

So here it is… I am “seeing someone”.

I don’t know what this means. Not a clue. “Seeing someone”.

I don’t know what this means in general, when you tell people that you are “seeing someone”. I have no idea what it means to the person I am currently “seeing”. And I have no idea what this means to me. But there it is, I am “seeing someone”.

Perhaps it is like “dating” someone. But I have always thought that “dating” was something done casually, and with as many people as possible, so that you might attain whatever goal set for the purpose of “dating”. Be that company, fun, companionship, sex, or finding that possible right someone special.

And then there is that ever-adolescent phrase of “going together”. As in, this is my boyfriend/ girlfriend. Or the more adult way of putting it, this is my “significant other”.

So does “seeing someone” slide somewhere in the middle?

In it’s ambiguous nature, “seeing someone”, does not really define the boundaries of a relationship. Not at all, aside from the obvious visual meeting of my eyes to his face and vice versa. I meet him, I see him, and we do things… So we are “seeing” each other? Hmmm… And of course, this addresses none of the other things like; if we are “seeing” each other, then are we also “seeing” other people? And what about intimacy, both of the physical and the emotional kind? Where does this fit in?

I was new to dating a year and a half ago. I made it my mission (At the time it seemed to be more like my Mission Impossible…) to go out and meet as many different people as possible. To hang out and spend time with all sorts of people, so that I could get a better understanding of myself, the world around me, what I wanted from the world, and the other people in it. I became a Grand Master in the fine art of dating. I am now the Female-Approachable-Extraordinaire. I speak to strangers every time I go out. I smile and am smiled at all the time by countless people of every age and kind. I get asked for my number endlessly, and more often than not I have an entourage of admirers wherever I go. (As my closest friends like to tease me…)

But this change in life and relationship phase, this moving into the consideration of anything more than something casual in its connection, is so very new to me. I think it is thrilling, and exciting, and scary as hell… And, I have no idea as to how to proceed.

Okay, I do have SOME idea. I will be myself, as I have always been. I will be honest and straightforward. I will listen with my brain, as well as my heart, not just my body. And I will be kind and respectful. I will also do exactly as I am doing right now, over analyzing the situation, and the varied paths that it is bound to take. I will question anything and everything, and wonder constantly. I will continue to think that this someone is incredible and amazing, even if it turns out that he is not the right someone for me. And, I hope that at the end of it all, I will finally discover what it means to be “seeing someone”, and that I will have mastered this phase in relationships as gracefully as I have the one for “dating”.

Let's all Sing Along...

Dear Friends;

I have been preparing for a delightful show up north and came across a few old songs that seem to be refreshingly new once again.

I found them to be entertaining and thought you, my Dear Friends might also.

I mean no harm by them of course, other than the side effects enjoyed from a good giggle, chortle, laugh or guffaw. (Or two)


1) There was a girl that went to Crown
And Bimbo was her name-o
B-I-M-B-O, B-I-M-B-O, B-I-M-B-O,
And Bimbo was her name-o!

2) There was a girl that went to Crown,
She had large tracts of land-o
(gesture for big tits)-I-M-B-O etc.
And Bimbo was her name-o

3) There was a girl that went to Crown
Her talents they were many-o
(gesture for a nice body)
(gesture for big tits)-M-B-O etc.
And Bimbo was her name-o

4) There was a girl that went to Crown
And she made very merry-o
(throw arms in air and yell "whee!")
(gesture for a nice body)
(gesture for big tits)-B-O etc.
And Bimbo was her name-o

5) There was a girl that went to Crown
And she was made the Queen-o
(put Crown on head)
(throw arms in air and yell "whee!")
(gesture for a nice body)
(gesture for big tits)-O etc.
And Bimbo was her name-o

6) There was a girl that went to Crown
And she got very pissy-o
(point to various members of audience, and say:
"You're banished, and you're banished, and....")
(put Crown on head)
(throw arms in air and yell "whee!")
(gesture for a nice body)
(gesture for big tits)
And Bimbo was her name-o

-Ardjukk Afraid-of-His-Cats
There once was a Kingdom that swallowed a LIE
I don't know why they swallowed a LIE......
Perhaps they'll die!

There once was a Kingdom that swallowed a RULE
"The King's Word is Law" (We learn it in school!)
They swallowed the RULE to hold up the LIE
I don't know why they swallowed the LIE
Perhaps they'll die!

There once was a Kingdom that swallowed some BULL
"The knights run the Kingdom, they have all the pull!"
They swallowed the BULL to back up the RULE
"The King's Word is Law!" (We learn it in school..)
They swallowed the RULE to hold up the LIE
And I don't know why they swallowed the LIE
Perhaps they'll die!

There once was a Kingdom got screwed by the CROWN
Bent over, and down, they got screwed by the CROWN
They got screwed by the CROWN 'cause they swallowed the BULL
(etc as above)
I don't know why they swallowed the LIE......
Perhaps they'll die!

There once was a Kingdom that wrote to the BOARD
They wrote to the BOARD in great disaccord
They wrote to the BOARD they'd been screwed by the CROWN
Bent over and down, they were screwed by the CROWN
(etc as above)
And I don't know why they swallowed the LIE......
Perhaps they'll die!

There once was a Kingdom that took up the SWORD
'Cause they didn't get s*** when they wrote to the BOARD
They took up the SWORD when they wrote to the BOARD
They wrote to the BOARD in great disaccord
(etc as above)
I don't know why they swallowed the LIE......
Perhaps they'll die!

There once was a Kingdom that threw up the LIE
Right in their eye, they threw up the LIE
They threw up the LIE and they changed all the RULES
Opened Crown Tourney to all but the fools,
They opened Crown Tourney to sweep up the BULL
And let in the People, a real Miracle!
They swept up the BULL and laughed at the BOARD
And every man-jack of 'em joined the Dark Horde!
And so they lived happy, and wealthy and wise
And if this is treason, then it's all a LIE
Can YOU see why?

Friday, May 12, 2006

I Would Do Almost Anything to Have My Knee Stop Hurting...

Dear Friends;

Just a quickie... Was wondering if it is just my drug induced state, the effect of the full Scorpio Moon, or the excitement of tonight being Beltane (For those of my Dear Friends who don't know about Beltane... Think Christmas for the ...um... consenting adventurous and you get the idea. In the sense that Christmas is about Santa Clause and not religious... If you want to know about the real side of it... Ask me tomorrow, after I have opened all the presents and am sitting gleefully in all the pretty wrappings strewn about the floor...)

Anyway... What I was wondering Dear Friends... was how many of you have done a load of laundry... Just for the panties? I confess to Southern California draught conditions, hand washed in the sink... please don't tell me I am wasteful of water... But I have a single pair of rockin panties rolling away in the dryer.

I have to wear them tonight. If I am going to end up dancing in my panties... it must be THIS pair... But is it just me? Perhaps I should go get a cup of coffee... or two... Perhaps I should have just decided that it's Beltane and gone sans panties... But I can't help it... Change only happens so fast...

At the mention of change... I need to go back into the depths of my closet and figure out what I am placing on top of the perfect panties...

Kisses Dear Friends...

Remember tonight is heaven on earth... Go out and enjoy making new friends, or making good friends close friends... Whatever you do... Enjoy... I am... (In my rockin and rollin uber panties- Of course!)

Monday, May 1, 2006

Dreamy Eyes Equate Brick-like Brownies...

Dear Friends;

Do you remember the cap to my pen? The one that Dreamy Eyes from the airport walked away with? Yeah... I had forgotten all about it too... Can you imagine that? I know! Seriously though, I really did... I was distracted... Again... By a pair of dreamy eyes... (You soo did not see that one coming... Right?)

Dreamy Eyes not only called me, he drove several hours to spend time with me in the kitchen preparing a 4-course dinner for 20. The conversation was so... stimulating... (HaHa... Shhh...) that I forgot all about the brownies that I had in oven... For the record my Dear Friends, placing things into an oven, and then forgetting all about the time, is something that I do not do. Now one of the guys on my team does things like over-toasting his baguettes because he gets distracted, but that's not me... Unless of course, I am looking into really dreamy eyes... And then, well, it's buh-bye brain... Hello brick-like Brownies...

The funny thing is, I had forgotten all about the dreamy eyes and the cap to my lucky pen. All I remembered was that there was this incredible connection. This unbelievably good vibration that I had gotten from him. And when he showed up at the door... and I saw him... All I could see were these dreamy eyes again, and the way that when he smiles, it traves all the way up to those eyes that have the ability to make all the thoughts turn into vapors inside my brain.

The incredible thing is, that the conversation is so stellar that I can (temporarily) forget about those eyes... And I still had forgotten all about the cap to my lucky pen. Until a few minutes ago, when I went to edit something in a past blog and there it was... And for a moment, I was actually wondering, what cap to which pen?

Really now... Who needs a lucky pen anyway? Oh my dear, Dear Friends, I am such a fickle creature... Well... Only about some things, I still do not like Starbucks... And I still love silly socks... And crazy escapades still happen to occur in my life on a regular basis, not that I will Blog all of them...


Here's to life and laughter and endless distraction...
To brick-like brownies that our waist-lines thank us for not consuming...
To successful dinner parties that make my Mother's 60th birthday memorable...
To Dreamy Eyes that are a part of a much dreamier package...
And to Dear Friends who understand when they receive letters and postcards written in crayon because all of the pens have dried out due to missing caps...