So things seem to be back on track...
I ran the virus scans last night and did my measurements...
I am down another 1.5 pounds, for a total of four pounds. I stepped onto that damn scale every day, so I have it buried behind all the towels until next week. Nipping that one in the bud... I'll haul it back out next Saturday night...
BMI is back to 25%, so I must have been having a shifting week. My shape is starting to change back to what I remember (Oh so long ago when I did not have the fat pads on top of my curves... Whew! I was beginning to wonder if I left that behind with my 20's. Good to know that a shape is a shape until you do something drastic like have a baby...)
I did not make it to the gym since the last time, but I have taken to dancing in the family room when no one is about late at night... It's more fun and I can pretend I am at a night club (one that plays barely audible music) or a bar (last night I had a shot of tequila, it may have been my last though)or even a party... The only bad thing is that there is just no way to keep track of calories burned...
I am slowly switching over to a Macrobiotic diet. It's been suggested to me for health reasons, and it turns out that I am actually already doing most of it anyway. I think that I am going to do a hybrid version that crosses Raw and Macrobiotics. They both have their good points, and their very weak points. Neither one is set up just right for pregnancy (Which may be far off in the future, but I really think it is best to prepare the body as best as possible beforehand... And since the last diet I was prescribed, yes prescribed, by a Doctor was for first trimester females, I figure it is a sound and logical idea even if I never become pregnant.) Both diets lack some vitamins, minerals and nutrients that i think are important... So I have more research to do... But for now, I have a starting focus and direction. What this means is in addition to the strict no caffeine/no decaf, no chocolate, get rid of the sugars restrictions I have been given, I am taking out salt as well. (Good bye french fries... Oh how I will miss my feel good food... My tongue and happy-thoughts place miss you already...)
I am still really stressed out, not even yoga can push the thoughts bottled up inside me away for even just a moment... So I am sure that the weight will continue to fall off... I hate doing it this way, but it just happens. I can't keep anything in. It is like my body's way of saying that if I am going to keep the thoughts and emotions in then the food and toxins are going to come out. Like there is only so much room. I hardly sleep, so the circles under my eyes are back... And my hair is starting to show signs of it too... (Wimpy hair... Why is it always my hair? Why could it not be something else? Grrr...)
I guess this week I am going to focus on the stress part... (Though I am not exactly sure how to go about doing that at this point...) Then continuing my dietary research... And if nothing else... At least I buried the scale...
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