Dear Friends;
My oldest and dearest of Dear Friends is having a difficult time of things these days. And things are bound to be getting harder for her before they get better. Having gone through something that was totally different, yet left me feeling a similar disillusionment and pain, I hurt for the sister of my heart. I ache that I cannot fix things or tell her enough that she is the most incredible person I have ever known. I, who aspire to inspire those I care for, am inspired by her. Her beauty, grace, kindness and goodness are like a beacon in the dimness of the ordinary world that surrounds us.
As I sat up with her until the wee hours I wished that there were some way that I could ease her pain. But I also know that all emotions are a part of growth, and that we are never given more than we can handle. We are incredible. And she is one of the best.
I have known this amazing woman since we were teenagers. More than half our lives have passed in the blink of an eye. And since the very beginning she was remarkable. Touching the lives of those around her for the better. She and I shared a mutual best friend. One that we shared crushes on and eventually found space for in our lives. This great man, who was at the time a mere boy of seventeen, shared something with me that I included in a novella assignment for a long forgotten English assignment. While going through some boxes that were hidden away in the rafters of my father’s garage, I came across his words. Words that he shared from the depths of his young heart about this courageously unique girl we both loved in our own ways.
I am including his words below.
“What would I do without A.? At first glance she is not what one would call beautiful. But her unconventional good looks and inner beauty rival that of any prom queen or high fashion model. She has an incredible way with people, she’s always saying, “Be patient with people M”. I would find it hard to believe if I found out someone didn’t like her. However opposite we may be there’s something between us that is hard to comprehend. Like the corny old songs, “we started out as friends”. I think that’s why we are so close. She’s my “girlfriend” but it goes much deeper than that. She makes me feel like I’ve never felt before. To answer the question, I’d have a very empty place in my heart without her.”
There is nothing more I could tell my Dear Friend that this insightful boy, this person who was becoming the wonderful man he is today, has not said already, more than fifteen years ago. His words are still true. And we would all have a very empty place in our hearts without her…
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