Yesterday will be a day to remember for the rest of our lives... So much shock can only be delivered to a person before the brain gets addled and things like leaving the keys in the door and walking halfway to the car before you notice start to happen.
We got the call just late enough in the morning from Derrick, that we had figured that is was not going to be coming for several more hours. So I had traipsed off to the store with a very Dear Friend who was waiting to pick up the keys on her totally cute new house. (She'll be moving a coupe of hours away, we needed supplies for the trip and a few other things...)
She and I were standing at the counter, having just purchased our (loot) things, when The Boyfriend called.
Are you in a public place?
Yes. We're just getting ready to leave the store...
Good. Derrick called... He said that... Wah-Wa Wah-Wawa Waaaw-Wa...
(I'm not sure what Derick said. My heart started racing the second The Boyfriend uttered the words "Derrick called". All I heard in my brain was "Ohhh please...Oh please...Oh please...Oh please" like a train keeping rhythm to the blood pounding through my brain. Everything else that followed was like the teacher speaking in the old Charlie Brown comics...)
Wah- Wa Wa... counter offer, but basically it means WE GOT THE HOUSE!
(It is a good thing that I had headed out to the front of the store while The Boyfriend was telling what Derrick said because at that moment, I started jumping up and down like a Mexican Jumping Bean and screaming like a Chihuahua in a purse at the mall.)
Eeeeeeeeeeee! Really? (Reallyreallyreally?) Really? Eeeeeeeeeeeeee! WE GOT THE HOUSE!
(You should have seen the gianormous man walking into the store at just that moment jump about a foot off the floor and look at me like he had never heard a person being told that they just won the lottery or the Superbowl or gotten the house of their dreams before. He was totally startled. The old man that followed into the store right after just shook his head.)
Oh my god!
Oh my god!
Oh my god!
Oh my god!
(Hop up and down like a bunny on some really good speed.)
Okay... We'll be right there! You can tell me when we get back...
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