I am on pins and needles...
Being the person that I am, I research things... To death. And then I research them some more. And then I get other opinions and advice and do some more research. (So when I hear about a band that has been together 10 years, yet they are an overnight success, I totally get it.)
The Boyfriend and I have been looking for a house. (It's the next thing on his list. New job. Done. House. Engagement/ Marriage. Baby.) He decided in February, after mulling things over for a very long time, that this is his plan. And that he wanted it done and resolved by his birthday. Which was this past Sunday. (Also known as Mother's Day this year.) Not much time, I know. So I have had things in high gear.
I got a *feeling* on this great house in the Rose Garden that turned out to be not so great. But also turned out to be fantastic because I adore our Realtor, Derrick Oh. Form there I did my research, and Derrick and I spent the better part of yesterday looking at way too many homes. (When I say the better part of, I mean from 11am until 3:30 and then again from 4:30 to 5:30 with The Boyfriend along for the final viewings.) Long day, I know. Great Realtor, really great Realtor, I know.
So The Boyfriend and I slept on it. And then spoke on it. And we are going to make a tentative offer. (Pending bank approval, it's a short sale, and the test reports coming back satisfactorily.)
And I am really quite pleased. (The phrase; Pleased as Punch, comes to mind.) That easy. Excellent! Hooray for good timing and tenacity. (Especially since I am now thoroughly exhausted...) We are this much closer to getting the things in life that we desire. (And even if something happens so that this is not the house, we are still so very much closer to those things than before.)
I am now on pins and needles... Like a kid that is waiting for Christmas, and now school is out and the snow is falling and the cookies are baked and frosted... And Santa is still not here yet... Kind of like that. (Only I knew at 4 that Santa did not exist... Well that is until a couple of years ago when I met him... No really. I did. See below.)

And now it is time for The Boyfriend to bring on the money people, the test inspector people and the too many forms and numbers sign your life away people. (But he is goo with that stuff...) And then it is waiting. Until tonight to meet with the first of them. Until Monday afternoon to meet with the next... And all I keep thinking is; Let this be the right thing, and PLEASE don't let anyone else make an offer on our house.
(The one house that when I walked in the door, I just KNEW, I was HOME. The rest are okay, this was home. And yes, no matter what there are other homes in the sea... And this is only an interim home... But ohhh...)
Want a teaser? The photo at the top is from the collection of this house. Great potential right? Makes you want to come over for a swim and home cooked dinner huh? (Send the good vibes, and consider yourself invited...)
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