Yup. You read that right. I am a cheating. On my Realtor. (And he is a fantastic Realtor... Really.)
There has been much in the way of life changes and advancements over the past week. So much so, that if it had all gone on over a month, it would still be a packed month. But here's the rundown.
I went, I saw, I picked up my jaw up off the floor from the House of *What were they Thinking?*... (Derrick, my NEW Realtor and I think that it was either an elder care facility, or a halfway house.) There were 6 bed rooms and 4 bathrooms. It had water damage, and mold, and there was no way that The Boyfriend and I could figure out how to remodel it successfully. (Even the visiting parents were stumped.) New baths all the way around, new kitchen, new laundry room, new plaster walls, and that was just to make it livable. (Assuming that there was no termite damage/lead paint/ asbestos/ black mold/ roof damage/ foundation cracks, plumbing, and electrical trouble.)
All in all, it was just too much to take on. Even for the to die for neighborhood it was in. (And really, I have not seen a better neighborhood anywhere. If you are in the Bay Area, then you just might be familiar with the historic Rose Garden District. Yeah... It was that great, but not...)
The good part was, I found a Realtor that I fell in love with. His name is Derrick. And Derrick is Fabulous with a capitol F. He gets me, and thinks my insane lists and desires are great. He loves my energy and is a great balance for The Boyfriend and I. (He used to do the high powered computer world thing, but retired to real estate about 10 years ago. So he gets the commute thing for The Boyfriend.) He also grew up in the Bay Area, in an EICHLER!! So he knows all about them, is familiar with the areas that we are focused on, and could even be our (sort of) neighbor. Oh, and he used to do the loan approval thing when he first got into real estate, so he is familiar with all the tips and tricks and still has great connections. (He has The Boyfriend hopping through this part already.) Yup. We both love Derrick. (Did I mention that he is highly responsive to e-mails and calls? Yup, I love Derrick, he can handle my three messages a day, and still find 5 listing that I did not have on my current list of over 70...)
I'll speak on the parents visit in the next Blog, else the update will go on forever... But they came, they visited, they ate The Boyfriend's birthday cake, they left for home happy. It was good.
They also spent an afternoon touring around a few neighborhoods on our list. (Makes it easier to tell them about the homes we are viewing if they have seen the areas and types of homes in them. Especially since both San Diego and the Oregon Valley don't really have neighborhoods like these.) This is where the cheating comes in. (I know, and I was just starting out with a Realtor... It's not that I am fickle, it's just that it takes a whole heck of a lot to get me to commit exclusivity...)
We paused to tour a grand home, waaay out of our price range. The Realtor, Louise. (The Boyfriend calls her *The Bulldog Woman*.) She is the super salesperson. The one you bring in to close a deal. The Boyfriend and I met a few of those when we took a tour of a timeshare on Hawaii's Big Island this past February. She asked me a few questions, ran right over my answers, and whipped out her trusty compilation of listings for the totally shi-shi neighborhood of Willow Glen. She wanted to show us a home that had too few bedrooms at too high a price. I finally got her to show us a home that might work. (Turns out that it was practically perfect, just out of our price range when we re-looked at what we could realistically afford. Seriously a bummer.)
She has been rather aggressive in being determined to find us a home in the shi-shi area that are all she handles... So I figured I would let her. Who knows what she might find... And now that she and I have spoken about the house we viewed, she knows what it is that we like. Now I just need to convince her that our new limit really is our limit. (It is sort of reminding me of the book; If you give a Mouse a Cookie... But I am sure I can handle it.)
So the plan is to let her run with the shi-shi rope and see what the trolling brings in... And keep Derrick for everything else. Everything else is where I am all but positive we will find the home we will purchase. (But with such a huge commitment, and such a great expense, I feel it is okay to keep a few options open just in case. And I have never told Derrick that he was the only one. Gosh, now here come the excuses, right?)
The Boyfriend is actually looking forward to landscaping and gardening... And I have a few marbles stashed away in my purse... (Thanks El...) So please wish me a pretty new home that has architectural character and a close commute time. And if you really feel the wishing juices churning, wish me closets and storage space... Even though we are planning on only two children, there are many grandparents to spoil them, and many cousins to come and stay for long visits. (And of course, you all can come and visit too!)
I am looking forward to unpacking all of my beautiful dishes and having dinner parties, bar-be-ques, and brunches... I love to entertain and will be so happy when I am finally in a place to have everyone over like I used to. Movie parties, craft and sewing parties, and if I am really lucky, perhaps even a pool party... Who know what we'll end up with. (Just know that for friends and family, the door is open...)
I am set to view some homes again on Friday. (And since this is more like a marathon...) Let the games begin!
PS. If you happen to be in the South Bay/ San Jose area, and are looking for the best Realtor, contact mine. (And with no fewer than 9 Realtors in my family, I know a good one in an instant.) Shameless plug for Derrick Oh... (Just please don't buy my house... Okay? Thanks!)
Derrick Oh
Coldwell Banker
P: 408 445-7128
F: 408 723-1950
I cannot be a cheater any more. Luscious is right, a good Realtor is way too fantastic, and Derrick is just that. (He gets me, he really gets me...) And since I have been going around for the past day and a half saying that *I just LOVE Derrick... I love Derick*... I am done with the rest.
There really is just nothing else that she could bring to the table that he could not, or would not... (Except for perhaps her pushy hard sell, and that is just not my style...)
Even The Boyfriend agrees, Derrick is EXCELLENT... (But really, please don't buy our house, thanks.)
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