Some Weekly Weigh In this has been shaping out to be... (All this traveling and family and boyfriend and friends and life and blah blah blah, excuse excuse excuse...)
Really though... I seem to have hit a plateau... With my weight, sure... But more actually with my mentality regarding it...
It is not that I have stopped caring about it... I do. It is not that I have gotten overly comfortable with it, I have not. Comfortable, sure, but not overly so... I just have gotten to the place where right now it is not the single most important thing in my life. It is not the driving force of my waking moments... It is not the reason I do the things I do... It just is some thing that is what it is for now...
And I am not so sure how I feel about that...
I mean, I am supposed to be working towards a goal right? One that I set up for myself... So... Hmmm... And I do feel that I should be focusing on eating better and getting more physical activity while I can... But... Hmmm... What sort of direction do I really want to go with this? Thinner is great... Muscle tone is fabulous... But health is most important... Right? So what about peace of mind? Or not being overwhelmed by it all? (And while I do know that life and everything in it is what you make of it... And things only happen by the priorities that you place on them... So really... Where are mine?
The answer is... I just don't know anymore...
So the Weigh In...
I am the same...
The weight is the same...
The BMI is the same...
The non-existent purposeful exorcise is the same...
I look and feel the same...
It is all the same...
The only thing that has changed, is that there are fewer days to the goal that I had set for myself... I am down to 40... Grrr... 40...
Well... I am guessing by my reaction to 40 days left, that I might not be as complacent about the whole thing as I initially thought...
1 comment:
Would it help if I poked you in the side occasionally? I don't mind doing that. :)
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