In a matter of hours... I am meeting the parents... And I am wondering what I have gotten myself into...
I fly up for five days... To be with the Boyfriend and his parents...
I have packed and re-packed my suitcase... Three times...
I have grazed my way through all the cupboards and contents of the refrigerator...
I have groomed and preened to the best of my ability...
I am brushed up on conversational topics...
I am trying not to bite my nails...
My stomach is doing acrobatic maneuvers worthy of a Lucent Dossier performance piece...
I am as ready as I'll ever be...
And yet...
I wonder if anyone is ever thinking anything other than: "What on earth have I gotten myself into?" when they happily agree to MEET THE PARENTS...
Hehe, sucker! :-P
Just remember, we all like you for being you; they will too. I promise you will survive....and when you get back you get to have all the hugs you desire as a reward for just being yourself.
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