This should be an Olympic sport...
Pairs Cleaning... (or perhaps they would call it Synchronized Scrubbing...)
This is how I spent my morning... Visiting with my sister-in-law... (It was of course prompted by my Father on another rampage, but we did have quite a few laughs over who focused on what... I simply MUST have a bleached out trash can, she is devoted to PERFECTLY spotless base boards...)
It is funny that cleaning can be a bonding experience... Who knew... But... As the bubble foam up, and the soap suds slip down the shower tiles, the friendship forms stronger as the chatter goes on and on...
(For some reason, this infuriated my Father to no end... We of course were not doing what he wanted... What he wanted was for us to spend an hour in solitude contemplating how we had misbehaved by talking and laughing like sisters do rather than sitting in silence as all children, young or old, are supposed to do...)
But... I am determined not to rant over this... Really...
What I was doing was sharing how cleaning can be a team sport... (One filled with cheating tricks like bleach and magic erasers... Not to mention the funny training errors like cleaning yourself into a corner and then wondering how you are going to get yourself out of the bathroom without leaving footprints across the wet floor... Or almost passing out from all of the fumes formulating and there is no window to open to help pass them through for proper ventilation... Course, the fumes make everything more funny than they might otherwise be... So who would really choose to open a window if there was a window to open?)
I better stop for now... Break time is over and the Slave Driver is pacing over my shoulder... (Seems like no matter how old you get, or how much you do, that with some parents, you are always a stupid, inept child that can not do anything right... But... No ranting... Really... But... This time around, I have a partner-in-crime with my Sister-in-Law around... And that makes EVERYTHING better...)
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