Dear Friends;
I am totally scattered… And I have that old silly song; Limbo Rock stuck in my head… I am heading home today… While I am ready to sleep in my own bed and take care of the real-life things that have been pushed off for the past two weeks, I know that I really am going to miss everyone.
I have just a few hours before I fly home. And even then I will only be there for a handful of days… My luggage is all packed and I am hoping it is under the weight requirements and my head is pounding… Thump… Thump… Thump… in time with the song… Of course, I am totally off beat, and have no rhythm, but the kids don’t care. They just laugh and dance and enjoy the last few minutes of silly Auntie time…
Every limbo boy and girl… All around the limbo world… Gonna do the limbo rock… All around the limbo clock… Jack be limbo, Jack be quick… Jack go unda limbo stick… All around the limbo clock… Hey, let’s do the limbo rock… La La La La La La La… La La La La La La La
Yeah… We’ve been laughing and wondering why all the adults are bouncing about humming bars of the tune… I say adults because on the day of good byes, there are no grown ups to be found. Bodies bouncing, babies crying, small children dancing, overgrown, really old kids ignoring the mess in order to get just a few more minutes of play time in… Head pounding, ears ringing, laughter escaping inspite of the lump in my throat.
And so we search the net for the song so at least we will have music to dance to in our off-key, missing most of the words, sing-along adventure before nap-time and the inevitable goodbyes…
Limbo lower now… limbo lower now… How low can you go…
We even took videos to mark the posterity of our silliness. The proof that we have eaten way too many cookies this week, and that my youngest nephew has a fondness for drawing on himself with blue pen, like a warrior Indian off to hunt buffalo.
(Native American’s and bison, I know… I know… Sheesh… this IS my rambling thought here… Indians and buffalo… pppffftttt…)
Yeah… I am going to pay for this later… Good thing I can sleep all day tomorrow. My ears and the impending headaches are never going to forgive me… My growing backside from all the cookies won’t either… But today, I really don’t care… Today there is music and random tangent thoughts, and sticky kisses from little kids and drooling hands to cover my face from adorably cute babies, and a little more bonding left to be had, with my family that lives in another state. Another state of mind, of being, of the union… No matter how you look at it, they are too far away…
And so we laugh like we mean it, and smile in spite of the clock ticking away precious minutes… And we dance… Or more like we wiggle and sing off key…
First you spread your limbo feet… Then you move to limbo beat… Limbo ankolimboneee,… Bend back like a limbo tree… Jack be limbo, Jack be quick… Jack go unda limbo stick… All around the limbo clock… Hey, let’s do the limbo rock…
Get yourself a limbo girl… Give that chic a limbo whirl… There's a limbo moon above… You will fall in limbo love… Jack be limbo, Jack be quick… Jack go unda limbo stick… All around the limbo clock… Hey, let’s do the limbo rock…
Don't move that limbo bar… You'll be a limbo star… How low can you go…
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