Boyfriend Beware, You WILL be Blogged…
Yes this is actually something that was uttered from my lips earlier this week, and then again today… Yes, I said the unexpected word; boyfriend, but we are going to ignore that for now… Right now we are going to take a look at what could possibly have me saying those words in the first place…
So the other night Chocolate Cake and I were walking to the store to pick up a few things that I just HAD to have, like cookie dough full of Reese’s Pieces, and I found a penny in my pocket.
Now this is where I need to divert off for a moment…
Remember when we were kids and how happy we were to find a penny on the ground? And that saying that goes along with it?
“Find a penny, pick it up,
All day long you’ll have good luck.
Then you pass it to a friend,
So your luck will never end.”
I have always loved that saying. So now, when I find that I have random pennies in my pocket, I purposely drop them on the ground in places where it is sure to be found and picked up happily by another person. (I know, this COULD be MOOP, and I promise not to do this on the Playa or any other remote location that it would be damaging to the environment… But I drop pennies on sidewalks near corners and in the mall and outside of the library and so on… Toy stores are my favorite. Lot’s of children going in and out of toy stores… But anyway, I am getting off track…)
So the other night Chocolate Cake and I were walking to the store, and I found a penny in my pocket. I must have gotten a mischievous look in my eyes because he asked me what I was up to. I pulled out the penny and explained my plan to drop it in the perfect place to be found and enjoyed by another…
At this point he happily dug into his pockets and produced a small handful of change… He was very excited to discover that there were not one, but THREE pennies in his hand. He selected his penny and in the moonlight examined it, turning it this way and that, before launching it gleefully over the tall wooden fence next to us. Up and over the penny sailed. Arcing into the air gracefully, seemingly pausing at the apex to glint off of the light of the moon, before plummeting back down to earth to land with a “thud” right on top of what could only have been a vehicle of some sort.
Now here is where the thoughts freeze…
(And they did for what seemed like a shortened eternity…)
First it was the sound of the “thud”…
Can pennies really make a thudding noise?
Yes, as it turns out, they can…
And was that really a car that it just landed upon?
Fairly sure from the sound placement ringing through from the other side of the fence.
(Now I suppose that he really could have hit a piece of random sheet metal, or an old-fashioned metal trashcan and lid, or any number of metal objects… And we could not see through, around, or over the fence… But it really sounded like the hood of a car…)
We both sucked in our breaths and paused, like some loony tunes cartoon, we had watched the voyage of the penny… Watched as it rose up, appreciating the height and distance of his hurtling toss into the unknown… Watched as it disappeared into that unknown space beyond the fence… Our heads seemed to turn as one to follow the progression of that penny… Our faced mirror images as we realized that the penny had indeed gone “thud” onto a car… Our breath held together as one slightly exaggerated pause in the after moment, before being released into a peal of childish laughter and giggles.
And then we ran…
Only a step or two… But we did. And then we stopped because we just knew how silly this all must be (Except for that unknown car, and I am sorry to whomever for that thudding penny…) and proceeded to walk along arm in arm towards our destination.
“I didn’t think it was going to do that”, he said. “You were supposed to DROP the penny”, I replied. He came back with; “I did”. (Ugh, MEN. Figures… Okay, let’s do this another way, shall we?)
We had reached the middle of the parking lot of the grocery store by this point. I squeezed his arm a little tighter, leaned in and whispered, “this is how you drop a penny”, and gently let the penny in my hand slip through my fingers, dropping almost soundlessly onto the pavement. “Tink”. That was all. “Tink” is how a penny being dropped is supposed to sound… “Thud”… Please…
Later on the walk back, we passed the same spot… We both kind of quietly giggled… Then I sighed and just shook my head…
“Boyfriends beware… You WILL be Blogged…”
And as a small after-note:
HE says that it was more of a “clang”… I am stick to the “thud”. Either way, I think you get the picture… (And I did warn him that he was going to be blogged…)
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