Dear Friends;
With just hours (and hours) left before I step back onto yet another plane… This one sending me to a known destination with multiple unknown possibilities… It seems rather fitting that when I read my horoscope for today that it spoke of new phases and enthusiasm. (That I read it this early in the day is remarkable, usually I read it the day after…)
With so much coming around this next corner at the speed of thunder, (You know when the quick jolt of lightning strikes and you lie in bed counting the “seconds” until the thunder booms to see just how far off the “real” storm is as a kid? This period of waiting for this particular trip has been rather like that…) I have been calling what I have been feeling nervous. I think perhaps anxious is more apt. Eager and nervous rolled into one…
But the right word at this point is excited anticipation… (I know… That would be two words… But with a blog this short, I think we all should just let it slide… Don’t you?)
You know that old disco era song; Knock on Wood? I heard that on the radio today on the way to training… I have had that song stuck in my head all afternoon… But it is oddly fitting. That whole thing about thunder and lightning and knocking on wood is just where I am at… (Not to mention that with a song that upbeat and filled with sound effects of thunder that I have looked reminiscent of the time that I danced about in my granny panties for the mailman. At least this time I am being productive, I am fully dressed, and I do not resemble a raccoon in any way…)
For those that missed that blog, it was one of my supper silly, belly laugh blogs…
All this time later, it is still like that. (At least I get my mail delivered without the funny looks now… Now meaning three or four new mailmen later… Geez, all that fuss over me dancing topless… Who knew?)
And for those of you, like Artemis, who I would feel badly if I did not replace the last song with one a little better, or at least a little newer, I am including the words to knock on Wood… (And for the record, it is the Amii Stewart version that I have playing in stereophonic inside my head… This link will give you 30 seconds of what the song sounds like, if you don’t already know it… http://www.amazon.com/Best-Amii-Stewart-Knock-Wood/dp/B000001QLR and then it will certainly be playing in your head too…)
For those that have a curious nature, and so that I can remember what my horoscope actually said when I go back and re-read this blog, as I have been known to do in the past, I am including that after the song as well…
Knock on Wood
By: Eddie Floyd and Steve Cropper.
I don't want to lose the good thing that I've got
If I do, I will surely, I will lose a lot
For your love is better than any love other I've known
It's like thunder, lightning
The way you love me is frightening
I better knock on wood
I got superstitious about you, but I can't take change
You got me spinning, baby, spinning in a trance
But your love is better than any other love I've known
It's like thunder, lightning
The way you love me is frightening
You better knock on wood
It's no secret, but that woman fills my lovin' cup
She sees, so ready, that I get enough
And her love is better than any other love I've known
It's like thunder
It's like lightning
The way you love me is frightening
I better knock on wood
Better, yes, better
(Yes you better knock, knock, knock on wood) Yes, I better
(Yes you better knock, knock, knock on wood) Oh, knock on wood
(Yes you better knock, knock, knock on wood) You know I would, would
(Yes you better knock, knock, knock on wood) It's no secret
(Yes you better knock, knock, knock on wood) No, oh, better
(Yes you better knock, knock, knock on wood) Hangin' above me
(Yes you better knock, knock, knock on wood) I can't leave her
(Yes you better knock, knock, knock on wood) Oh no, baby
Knock on wood, WOO!
April 16, 2007
A Fresh Phase
Scorpio Daily Horoscope
You may find yourself full of enthusiasm and vigor today even if nothing in your environment seems worthy of inspiring your feelings. Your own practiced awareness may lie at the roots of these feelings as your potent ability to remain utterly aware of the goings on of the world around you can delight you and stimulate your passions. You may feel that you are ready to begin pursuing a new phase of life—one in which you better employ your charisma, intelligence, curiosity, and creativity. If you allow this urge to guide you today, you will likely discover that there are unexplored worlds of opportunity waiting for your attention.
We can initiate an entirely new phase of life by opening our eyes to the myriad possibilities that fate has seen fit to lay at our feet. Acknowledging the many avenues open to us can be difficult as it is a simple matter to discount one or more of these paths. But it is only when we choose not to close ourselves off from even the most outlandish opportunities that we discover how free we truly are. This new phase of life is a wonderfully liberated one—little can interfere with our enthusiasm for change and novelty when we have made a commitment to embrace the unknown in word and deed. You will feel full of life and vigor today when you let your gaze fall upon the whole of your potential without prejudging any of the possibilities before you.
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