-Hawaiian morning rush
-Off roading in Na' alehu
-South Point
-Flying kites
-Tide pools
-Scaring the cows
-Nighttime tradition
-The Boyfriend ill
Somewhere during the vacation, and not too many days in, both The Boyfriend and I lost a day. Or rather, we thought that we were a day ahead of where we were. Talk about being on local time... We took that to the extreme. Forget about hours having no meaning, days no longer had a place either. It was either daylight or dark. We were either going and doing, or just chilling out. There was no more pressing need for anything. Even yours truly, the poster child for type-A planning, tossed aside the list of things to do and just “went with it”.
And that was how Day Four went... We gathered up our packed lunch and camelbak, along with a truly beautiful kite and went in search of a grand location to fly it. This was found along the cliffs in the soft, tall grasses at South Point. The air was as soft as the grasses, and as warm as the ocean spray. It was breathtaking. The sky was glorious and the butterflies danced along the miniature orchids in the expanse of fields.
We napped on the grass, The Boyfriend and I. It reminded me of the nursery rhyme of Little Boy Blue... Just one of those lazy days where the rocking of the Jeep over the sandy bumps in the grasses felt more like a massage and less like the jolts of typical off roading. I was so relaxed that I was all but asleep before we got there. Awake just enough to snap a photo here and there of all the pretty sights that caught my eye.
If you ever want to fly a kite, this is THE place to do it. Wonderful breezes that pull at the string and dance the kite along. And the colors of the kite stand out like the flowers in the surrounding jungle... Even the streamers swirl better here.
Then we hopped back into the Jeep, which The Boyfriend decided needed a Hawaiian name, henceforth known as Eep'ee Ele' (The jeep, not The Boyfriend.) and did some more off-roading to get back to the house. On the way, we passed the road that goes to nowhere (Unless the more daring of the Hawaiians would like to dispute that a road that leads off a cliff and then suddenly disintegrates in mid-air about a 150 feet in the air above the ocean really does go somewhere...) and took some photos... And then a pretty herd of cows... Of which I saw a cute calf nursing and wanted to get photos of. So The Boyfriend stopped Eep'ee Ele' on the side of the road so that I could walk back to get my shots of the cows...
That is when the biggest cow in the bunch decided that I was a horrible scary being that must be run away from. And it mooed to the other cows to join it. It ran about 50 feet away, literally jumping over a couple other smaller cows to get away from the terrible mainlander who so selfishly had thought to snap a few photos... The other cows scattered up the little hill after the big cow, the mother cow ripping the tit out of the calf's suckling mouth with a loud pop in her haste to join the others.
There they stood all huddled together. I could almost see them shivering in fear. I have never felt so badly in my life. I was laughing because I felt so bad. (Why is that? When emotions run so deep, all I do is laugh. And that is not at all what I wanted to do. Really I felt terrible, but there I was trudging back to Eep'ee Ele' laughing like a fool...)
The rest of the day was good, but after the cows, it took a slower and more quiet pace... We went through the Hawaiian vacation tradition, cooking, showering, eating, passing out cold in bed, totally ready for another start and another day on the island...
Later that night... The Boyfriend woke up ill... Really ill... Sick and shivering and all clammy... After a bit of apologizing for being ill (Yup, always thoughtful my sweet boyfriend is... Like he CHOSE to get sick...) about a hundred times, The Boyfriend finally settled down for the rest of the night in a fitful sleep...
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