It harder getting back into Blogging than I thought it would… Funny… For as difficult as it was to not Blog, it seems that my brain is still on a break… (And for as much as I wanted to jump onto the computer to pour it all out, now it seems that my thoughts don’t just flow through my fingertips and onto the keyboard as they once did…)
Even still… I miss it… So I am sorry if the Blogs may end up a bit flat for a bit… And after Burning Man, I now understand that whole thing about it being like “riding a bicycle”…
Watching me wobble around the camp and on the open Playa on one of those green “yellow” bikes must have been entertaining… Makes me wonder how many people thought that I just started the party early and had one (or five) too many…
Yeah… I know… Strange that small children can ride a bike better than I can… But… Well… Yeah… I do think that next year I will be accomplished enough to invest in a bike of my own to dress up all fancy and pretty and take out to the dusty desert… (Though I do admit, every time the Boyfriend asks if I want to ride his bike I turn him down, and that I am thinking that perhaps training wheels might be a good thing to add to my cycling decorations…)
As I write this, I can feel the second-year-itis set in…
I can see it now…
My “big” project is going to be a pair of Playa bikes… (This year it was a pair of Playa coats…) And ohhh how those projects end up taking on a life of their own… (At least we both LOVE our coats… That makes it all worth the work… I hope the bike will be the same way…)
I can see it now…
I will end up making this incredible sparkly bike all fancy and pretty and then ride it all around town instead of the sparkly and pretty regular bike that my Dad bought me last summer… I will be one of THOSE burners…
(But I’ll finally be riding a bike, so does it really matter if I look silly to the whole world?)
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