I can feel the edges of fall creeping in this morning as I sit in front of “my” window typing… It makes me want to slow things down just a little… Getting up this early is a good thing, I can get so much done by lunch, but sometimes I just want to curl up in bed and let the fireplace dance away the chill in the air…
It’s funny, I think it rained in the middle of the night… The road and sidewalks are all wet… But that would mean that when I did finally fall asleep, it was so soundly, I did not stir… I have not slept like that in a long time… I guess physical labor will do that to a person… All I have to do is scrub and clean until I am exhausted… I’ll look great and sleep better too… (Why do I have a gym membership again? When am I going to drive the hour to the nearest one and actually USE the thing? Oh yeah… Someday… Until then, there is always deep cleaning that is seemingly endless…)
I’ll post up the past couple of Blogs that I had to write by hand (gasp) since the laptop went on hiatus for a few days… It may fill in the gaps here and there… And I am apologizing now for the barrage of photos that went up in the middle of the night… With the help of the Boyfriend, I discovered that I can indeed turn on the laptop AND get internet… All from my new favorite location in my home… “My” window… I also discovered that I not only have a TV that turns on, I have somehow have cable too… Go figure… I had forgotten what that was like… I got sucked into 20 minutes of the Discovery channel’s show about the Roman underground excavations… And then about two hours later I got sucked in for another 20 minutes on the largest underground city… The one that the Christians used to escape the Muslims and others… Since I started partway through and then realized that I was having my brain sucked out through my eyeballs… I turned off the TV without seeing the entirety of wither show… But it is nice to see TV now and again and hear the human voice… As for the radio… I still only have the choice between two stations… Static and a mix of oldies and today… Not my sort of thing, but somehow I seem to know most of the words to most of the songs… Thanks Mom… (I can hear her singing in the car now…)
I better get on with my day… I have a ton of things to get to, which I won’t since I am driving down to visit family… But to all those who have been commenting on my photos… I love you for that! It brightens my day… Thanks!!!! And to those that I owe real e-mails to... I will get those out by the end of the week… (As long as the internet holds… Promise…) Tons of hugs to everyone! I miss you all!!!
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