Dear Friends;
I can’t believe how excited I am getting over this thing, this stellar event… This MASQUERADE!!! Every time I see the mailman pass by now I am going to be jumping up and running to look into the box to see if my tickets have arrived.
Last year I was so excited to attend. I gabbed on and on about it endlessly to all of my friends and family. I begged those adventurous enough to get tickets… I drew up sketches for the most elaborate ball gown and took on my most elaborate costume creation to date. I had a mold of my head cast (not at all a pleasant experience, even for someone not claustrophobic) and begged the artist to cast a custom mask off of the result to go with my gown. I could hardly sleep for the mounting excitement…
And then I was not able to go.
So I put the gown into storage in it’s nearly completed state, and later viewed the exquisite pictures of my friends all dressed in their finery having a blast at the ball.
But this year it will be different!
I have my tickets for both nights of the Labyrinth Ball. I am not sure if I can make it out for both, but I have them just in case. I have pulled the gown back out of storage to air it out before taking on the challenge of completing the masterpiece of my makings… (I have even taken on the added delight of dressing up the boyfriend for the occasion. A Gentleman for one night, a satyr on bouncy stilts for the other. And I am even doctoring up a fairy costume just in case I really do make it to both evenings festivities…)
And the excitement is mounting. I fear I may not sleep again. (For as we all know, that after Labyrinth comes Burning Man, and that leaves no room for anything but joyful glee that keeps the eyelids in a constant state of openness…)
Just in case you have no idea what I am talking about… That you might actually have not heard of the Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball, I am including below the latest message delivered to me via e-mail. In it you will find links to the official site, to the sites of the wonderful performers, and all sorts of tantalizing information. And to top all of the warm fuzzies that are keeping me tingling at the moment, LUCENT DOSSIER is now scheduled to perform! I adore them, I even admit, I am a bit of a groupie… (If I could run off and join the circus, I would…) …) Not to mention that Cristina McAllister is the very talented artist behind the artwork that you see on the website and tickets! (If her fantasy creations don’t draw you in, then nothing will… And if they do, and you want to see more of her lovelies, go to her page at: CristinaMcAllister.com
So there you have it; my latest interest and current passion… Only 50 or so more days to go until I get to don a mask and gown and dance amongst the fairies… I hope to see you all there!
The Tenth Annual Fantasy Masquerade Ball
July 13th & 14th, 2007
To celebrate our Tenth Annual Masquerade Ball, we're offering
Two Enchanting Nights within the Court
at the historic Henry Fonda Music Box Theatre
On the Hollywood Walk of Fame
6126 Hollywood Blvd Los Angeles, CA
Doors open at 8pm - introduction at 9pm
Costumes or Masks are Mandatory!
Imaginative costumes fitting the Court are highly recommended.
Tickets available now at:
In this update: May 2007
More New Acts upon the Royal Stage:
Lucent Dossier: Stilt Circus: Orbis Lazuli
LOJ 2007 Tickets are now shipping | Limited Edition Coins Minted
As we begin shipping the coins and ticket orders, we realize that this year is the largest turnout to date. For those who have already ordered tickets and Grande Packages, expect to see your tickets arriving this Month.
LOJ Pre-Show Tickets: (more information).
ONLY a few tickets remain for FRIDAY - Tickets for the Pre-Show are EXTREMELY limited and every year they go FAST. Saturday Pre-Show tickets sold out in record time, so don't wait, Friday tickets won't last much longer. Purchase your Pre-show ticket now.
2007 LoJ Hotel: (more information)
The Marriott Renaissance Hollywood Hotel is hosting the official LOJ Room Blocks and filling up fast. For more information, and to reserve your room, go here:( LOJ Renaissance Room Blocks)
ABOUT the LoJ Masquerade: (more information)
The Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade is a fantasy event of unique character and inspiration. Costumes or formal wear and mask are required to enter the event. Costumes range from faeries and goblins to beautiful Victorian garb, elaborate armors, and period attire along with a host of fantasy creatures and characters. We encourage imagination and diverse interaction. Each year, Sypher Art Studios hosts the Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade to pay homage to our inspirations and submerge our patrons in a special event of art, music, dance and enchantment
New Areas: We're expanding into a new secret areas within our labyrinthine court. . . The spirits of elvish waters and forgotten trees whisper along the edge of faerie glades with three stages of live music and performances, a host of actors and musicians including:
Lucent Dossier: Our new friends from the wild uncharted expanse of distant dreams and Vaudeville callings are bringing their exotic performance and music to the Labyrinthian Court for the first time.
Desert Sin: The Realms of Faerie are explored within the passion of dance by the hauntingly beautiful dance troop, Desert Sin. Performing live at the masquerade, Desert Sin is a stunning addition to the beauty and flare of our court.
Sylphirance: The artistic hands and orchestrations of Sylphirance are placed upon the stage to whisper stories and glimpses of surrealistic glades and noble creations under enchanted twilight.
Stilt Circus: Acrobatic antics blend with Sylphirance's stylings to create a new dimension of entertainment within the court.
Tresk: The ambient and orchestral surroundings so carefully crafted to set the stage for Sylphirance's elaborate weavings.
Drop Black Sky: The musical dreamscapes of Drop Black Sky under the flutter of gossamer wings.
Orbis Lazuli: An intimate performance of music and dance from the new fae creatures of Orbis Lazuli, where songs and tides blend in the Royal Court.
High Priestess: Harp and drum under moonlit skies within the hidden Temple.
Sypher Art Studios: Your hosts and creators of Sypher's Noble Court are setting their chisels upon new art and sculpture for hands to touch and eyes to behold.
Go to the Labyrinth of Jareth Website for more information
Sypher update – May 15th, 2007.
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