Dear Friends;
Last night I had a long conversation with a Dear Friend that lasted into the wee hours of the morning… There were many twists and turns taken over the course of the conversation and we covered a great many different topics of conversation as good friends have a tendency to do… This long conversation, made longer by my need to have my Dear Friend repeat himself over and over, pushed a few buttons… One in particular…
But you’re like the Holy Grail, he said to me…
I sat silent in the dark, letting a wave of different thoughts pass through the gray matter in my head. There was one thought that was persistent in its insistence to stay put in the forefront of my brain…
I have mixed emotions about that, I replied…
Because of Galahad… I called my heart the Holy Grail… And… Well… Galahad is the only one who ever obtained the Grail… I don’t like what that implies… That sort of perfection is sort of setting a person up to fail… That is a very tall pedestal…
I didn’t know that…
There was another pause. One in which all I could hear was the sound of our breathing reverberating across the phone lines… the sound of breath traversing great distances… Of time… Of miles… Of the space between us… No thought… Only breathing… And then…
Then I want to be Indiana Jones…
I want to be Indiana Jones… He gets the Grail…
He does?
The motor in my brain comes to such a screeching halt that all the pending thoughts rambling about come smashing into that one thought… He switched gears on me! Just like I had done to him a few days ago… Incredibly sweet justice… I never saw that one coming… (I love Indiana Jones… I love the action and the adventure. I love the vibrancy and the whimsy and the subtle depth… I love how things can be serious and still light hearted. I love the era and the clothes and adore the title character… One of my fantasy dream-men… I love how he is dashing and weak. Debonair and silly. Strong and intelligent and still prone to human faults and mistakes. Hmmm…) I should have seen this coming, but I didn’t… Tunnel vision at it’s best and worst… I start laughing… Giggling really… And my Dear Friend joins me in what has become a delightful, contagious, fit of giggles…
Alright, you can be Indiana Jones. But then I want to be Lara Croft…
Yeah… That was my thought exactly… This is going to be one heck of a ride… There is something to be said for someone who knows you so well that they sometimes seem to know you better than you know yourself… The only word that seems to come to my mind when I think about that is… Awe-some…
So, my Dear Friends… With Valentine’s Day almost upon us… I hope that you all have that Awe-some person in your life… Or several… Parents, children, significant others, lovers, friends, Dear Friends, and especially yourself… Someone that makes you stop and think: Awe-some… I mean the ideal of perfection is great… It gives us something to strive for in ourselves. But the real deal is so much better… It’s… Well… REAL…
I hope that you too can toss away your expectations and loose your tunnel vision (Or have a Dear Friend that can turn on the light when you are sitting in that tunnel of darkness…) and see all of the wonderful things that you already have in your life…
Now THAT is an incredible Valentine’s Day gift…
Kinda-sorta sounds like the gift of…
Yup, you guessed it…
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