Dear Friends;
I am putting my money where my mouth is…
I am walking my talk…
I am ME…
And today that was not easy.
I could use a big hug of reassurance, of acceptance, of congratulations, of support, of friendship, of understanding, of love…
Today was a test. I have my path in this life. I have been answering for my choices made in the past. I will answer for them for the rest of my life. Today, I did not run. Today I was strong. And I am happy. And tired. I will continue to go forward no matter what. I will not go back and I will not stay where I am. I will look to the sky and laugh at the stars as they shoot across the sky. I will see animals in the clouds. And I will laugh with my dearest of Dear Friends.
I have made some important decisions in my recent past:
I do not want to be powerful.
I want to be fierce.
I do not wish to have control.
I wish to be adaptable.
I do not accept my fear any longer.
I accept only my freedom.
I want to live.
I wish only for love and peace.
I accept that death is inevitable.
Today, I did not run.
Today I planted a foot down and answered.
I will not seek.
I do not search.
My destiny is unfolding and I will look it squarely in the eye and meet it with grace and dignity.
And... If you see what I see in the photo of fluffy clouds... Then you see a great many birds... All taking flight...
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