Tomorrow is going to come very early for me. I leave in the dark to head up to the State Capitol. I am joining forces with Susan G. Komen for the Cure and their Community Challenge. We are spending two days lobbying and in lectures, training seminars, and press conferences.
I am very excited! I am on my way to making changes in yet another forum. (And it is my hope that I will be able to take what I learn, and the contacts that I make and be able to forward awareness for younger women affected by Breast Cancer...)
If you have the next two days off, and want to join us, it would be great to see you there!
I am including some of the information below.
Wish me luck! I am off!!!!!!! (Yea!!!!!!)
Komen Community Challenge:
"This is the war on breast cancer. We’re bringing it to Capitol Hill, and then we’re heading clear across the country. Susan G. Komen for the Cure is taking its special brand of pink ribbon activism on the road in a powerful grassroots effort to “Close the Gap” in access to quality health care, research and information. Over the next 25 years, five million Americans could be diagnosed with breast cancer – and because there are gaps in our system, this diagnosis will be deadlier for some than for others. That's wrong."
"So as we mark our 25th year, the Komen Community Challenge is hitting 25 cities, reaching tens of thousands of people at town hall meetings, roundtables, lobby days, and summits. We’re rallying to make breast cancer a national priority, to help “Close the Gap” in funding that keeps thousands of women from receiving life-saving breast cancer care. In order to do this, we extend the Challenge to draw 25 million new people into the fold. We must - because in the next 25 years, 25 million people worldwide could be diagnosed with breast cancer."
"Come One. Come All. We are the face and voice of the global movement. As local activists and global citizens we will mobilize millions to put an end to this dreaded disease – forever."
Sacramento, California
"The California Komen Community Challenge is coming to Sacramento, California on Thursday, January 17, 2008 – Help us turn the State Capitol PINK!"
"This January 17 and 18 is the first Statewide California Komen Community Challenge. We hope that you will join us and Californians from every corner of the Golden State at the exciting events we are planning!"
"In the lead-up to the February 5, 2008 presidential primary election, the whole country will be paying close attention to what California has to say. Join us as we restore the sense of urgency to the breast cancer movement on January 17 and 18 and help put breast cancer in the national spotlight so that we can end breast cancer forever!" Here are the details:
"Close the Gap!" Rally and Lobby Day
What: The California Komen Community Challenge - "Close the Gap!" Rally and Lobby Day
When: Thursday, January 17
* 10:30 a.m. - Press Conference at the State Capitol
* Noon - 1:00pm - Legislative Training Lunch at Sheraton Hotel
* 1:30pm - 4:00pm—Legislative Office calls
* 5:30pm - Rally & Lighting the Capitol Pink / West Steps of State Capitol (join us and get a free Komen T-shirt!)
* 6:00pm - Concert at Crest Theater in Downtown Sacramento
Where: Sacramento, California
California State Capitol ~ 1303 10th St, Sacramento, CA 95814
Sheraton Hotel ~ 1230 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Crest Theater ~ 1013 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Who: You and all your colleagues, friends, family along with breast cancer survivors, co-survivors and advocates!
How: It’s easy! RSVP today!
Community Educational Symposium
What: The California Komen Community Challenge - Community Educational Symposium
When: Friday, January 18
* 8:00am - Breakfast
* 9:00am - Symposium
Where: Sacramento, California / Sheraton Hotel ~ 1230 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
Who: Breast cancer survivors, co-survivors, advocates, stakeholders and community leaders.
How: It’s easy! Email info@komenchallengeCA.com to RSVP today!
"Susan G. Komen for the Cure is re-energizing and amplifying a call to action for the breast cancer movement. Pink ribbon activism will take hold of California’s State Capitol in January 2008. We need ALL breast cancer advocates to help us make lots of noise in Sacramento as we challenge decision makers to "close the gap" in policy and funding that keeps too many women from receiving lifesaving breast cancer care.Help us turn the State Capitol PINK!"
"For more information about the California Komen Community Challenge, email info@komenchallengeCA.com or call 888-247-5319."
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