Me: Blueberry Coffee Cake... I need Blueberry Coffee Cake...
The Boyfriend: No you don't, it's bad for you...
Me: Mmmhmmm... Bluuuuueberry Coffee Cake... I even dreamed it last night...
The Boyfriend: Really? I don't know who this Blueberry Coffee Cake fellow is, but I'm beginning to t think I need to kick his ass...
Me: (giggle)
(What makes this funny is that The Boyfriend is also known as Chocolate Cake.)
So we had fantastic (healthy) egg white omelets for breakfast that The (wonderful) Boyfriend made... And I am still craving a nice slice of Blueberry Coffee Cake. The breakfast food, not a delectable fellow whom I have yet to meet... There is always tomorrow for expanding the waistline...
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