I have two resolutions for the year...
I am resolving to be a better friend this year. To my friends, those I am blessed to have, those I have not yet met. To my family, those close and those far. To myself, because it is important to nurture myself so that I have more to give to those I care about.
I am resolving to live a healthier lifestyle. I am focusing on diet and exercise, as well as increasing the positive energy by letting go of the negative for good. (I have discovered that I really do have a desire to procreate... And I want to do everything that I can to be as healthy as possible. And if nothing comes of my desires and planning, then I have still gained a healthier body and lifestyle.)
So there you go...
There are lots of other resolutions that I could make, but I like to make those on my birthday... And admitting that I want a child (gasp) is huge. The upcoming blogs may visit my thoughts on that... Since there are many of them rolling around in my head. How is it that something so great, so wondrous, can raise up such mixed emotions of the unknown?
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