Claustrophobia is getting to me hard today... For some unknown reason, I can't shake the feeling of being boxed in, suffocated and unable to draw a deep enough breath... It is overwhelming and it has me feeling a little grumpy... I am drowning in it...
I am back at home... And I would rather be any place else... But I can't think of any place that I would like to be...
I am tired and my brain does not want to think, but I don't want to escape into a movie either. I have had more than my fill of escaping and if the past couple of days have shown me anything, it is that I just want to really LIVE my life, not play at it here and there...
I am weary of the dust and dirt and the chaos that surrounds me... Surrounds me in the physical sense... Stuff and clutter everywhere... Dirt and dust and grime seems to expand faster than I can clean it up... Mountains of things that just need to go away, and yet I have not been taking the time to do more than trundle armload after armload out to the dumpster...
I am restless and unfocused and I just want to be done with it all already... Too many projects... Too much left undone... And never enough time... And I am longing to bury my head under the covers and wish it all away... But THAT is something that I cannot do... That would be childish and lazy... So I will pull on some work gloves... Cram my broken toe into a pair of tennis shoes... And go work on emptying out the garage... It is hot outside... And I will be grimy when I am done for the day... (I say for the day because I know better... There is too much to be rid of to be done in an afternoon...) But then I will have a reason to pout that is valid... Instead of being frustrated indoors, as I am right now...
I would like to be on a plane to see The Boyfriend... But it is not practical or reasonable... I really want to just be held for a bit, but if I can't settle myself, how in the world could someone else... So he goes for a bike ride while the weather holds up there, and I am off to clean the garage down here...
And then, perhaps, I will take myself out to dinner... Though I fret about the food establishments out here... I am picky by normal standards in cities... Out in the rural lands where the food is less than palatable and even chain places do not dare to exist, I am more than a little afraid... My happiness for a good taco salad with tons of crisp lettuce and juicy tomatoes... Now THAT would be bliss indeed...
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