I am sitting here wondering if I can go through with this... This most wonderful of proposals to the most wonderful of men... (I say most wonderful of proposals because it is my first time proposing to someone... Most wonderful of men, because he is...)
I am about twenty hours or so away from completing my project... The project of my proposal... Before I ship it off for the final phase and wait for it to be delivered back to my overly anxious hands... But really... In the grand scheme of things... It's not that far off anymore. (Not when you think of how many hundreds of hours that have gone into this thing, how many hundreds of thousands of hours that I hope to spend with this most wonderful man...)
And I am wondering if I can do this... As in right now... Not knowing if I am sitting with a ticking time bomb in my chest or not... And finding out is going to be taking a lot longer than I thought. (I was really, really hoping on having this all done with before our vacation... But Now I start all over with another breast surgeon in the middle of March... And who knows what hoops I will have to jump through then...)
And I ask the question if it is fair to ask someone to spend the rest of their life with you, when you have no idea how long that will be. (And I am angry.) And I ask if it is right to ask someone to choose being with you if you know that the possibility of what you foresee in the future together may not really happen because of the very real possibility of... Of the unspeakable... (And I am angry and hurt... And feeling more than a little guilty.)
And then I ask if I would say yes if things were reversed. (And I would. Without hesitation.) And then I think it must be unfair of me to think these things and to be so selfish... (And I get angry all over again.) If he and I are really an "us", then who am I to think that I should make this decision all alone? Would I not be more than upset and hurt if this was all turned around? (And I would be... And then I feel ashamed...)
And then I wonder if I am just being selfish... For twisting things about to be how it is that I want them to be... (And I doubt myself and my thoughts even more than before...)
It is a vicious cycle... It is more than I bargained for... (But then, so is this wonderful man... He is so much more than anything I could have ever bargained for... And who bargains when it comes to love anyway? Who DOES that?)
And then I think I have only twenty or so more hours until I am done with this project... (And I get all puffed up and proud and excited like a child giving a gift to someone they totally adore...) And I just want this to HAPPEN...
The Boyfriend calls this "Circling"... Like a dog that spins round and round on the cushion before settling down to nap... And he is right... I do this...
(wait, someone moved the cushion)
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