
This blog is an on-going work in progress, just like its creator. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, and the not-so-innocent. The events portrayed are as true and accurate as my perspective and memory allows, and are subject to change without further notice in the future. You will not find any Pay Per Post on my blog... No advertising. No peddling of anything other than my personal thoughts, opinions, and experiences... If you are reading my words it is because you are choosing to share a birds-eye view into my playground, not because I am pounding down your door asking to come in out the elements uninvited. With all of that out of the way, I really am glad you are here…

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What I Really Wonder About You...

Dear Friends;

So I try to keep up with all the bulletins that come across MySpace. One of the things that I have noticed is that it seems that everyone likes filling out those surveys and questionnaires. The ones filled with all sorts of questions. Some silly, some nonsensical, and some run of the mill. But really, why do I want to know what is the closest purple object to you? I love reading about what strikes your fancy and what information you are going to reveal to the world at large, but I actually do want to get to know my friends better.

I find that I am constantly changing and am sure you all are too. And there is so much information that creates the fabric of our unique existence, that no matter how much we share about ourselves, there will always be mysteries yet to be revealed.

So I made up a Survey of my own. One with real questions. (Not saying that the other surveys aren't filled with real questions, but you know what I mean.)

These are questions that I would love to know the answers to Nothing about what sort of coffee you drink, though that was useful information. No fluff, no filler. I figure if you took the time to answer those silly MySpace questions, you might answer these. Of course, my questions are far more revealing and intimate. I am sure more consuming as well.

But remember, Dear Friends, the only bad question is the one left unasked So I am asking

What was your most memorable toy as a child?
Why were you given your name and does it have special meaning?
What was the craziest thing that you did in your youth?
What tokens of your childhood do you wish you had saved?
What about being a child do you miss the most?
Did you try to grow up in a hurry?
What did you look forward to most as a child?
What did you wish for more often and/ or more sincerely than anything else?
What did you fear about becoming an adult?
What was the first book that you remember reading just for fun?
What early lessons from childhood have you continued to follow throughout life?
What fads did you embrace while growing up?
What childhood or high school dreams are you now glad never came true?
Name five childhood accomplishments.
What was the hardest thing about growing up?
What buzzword or phrase was highly popular during your teenage years?
How was your birthday usually celebrated?
Did you believe in the tooth fairy?
What are the biggest gaps in your education?
Of what early accomplishment are you most proud?
What is the way you like best to learn?
What was the number of students in your high school graduating class?
What do you do now to continue your education?
What did you discover about yourself in high school?
Did you go to college?
What was your major in college and how did you pick it?
Do you prepare thoroughly for tests?
What lessons have you learned between youth and now?
What magical things happened in your childhood that you still cannot explain?
What did you learn from your parents?
What family tradition would you love to continue and pass on?
Your mother often said _____.
What does your ethnic and cultural background mean to you?
What family trait would you like to pass on to your descendants?
How often did your parents say they loved you when you were young?
What are the ways that you tried to make your parents happy?
What values did your parents instill in you?
What do you think of families with two mothers or two fathers?
In your family, did everyone have their own seat at the dinner table?
If you were infertile, would you adopt?
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of your family?
Do you think that intelligence is related to genetics?
What is something that you wish for your father?
What is one thing you really appreciate about your family?
Does marriage mean the same to you as to your parents?
What did/ do you call your grandparents?
What does true friendship mean?
What do your friends find likeable about you?
With whom would you like to develop a closer relationship?
You are embarrassed when you _____.
How do you like to show love to people who are special to you?
How sociable are you?
Whose advice do you listen to? And what type of advice do they give?
Who is the most innocent person you know? Why?
In your closest relationships, what is the connection between intimacy and independence?
What social situations make you flustered or nervous?
Who do you usually spend the holidays with?
How important is it for you to be popular?
Do you prefer company or solitude?
How do you most often communicate your feelings to close friends when they are not near?
What is the nicest thing you have ever done for someone else?
How would you spend six hours with your best friend?
Where is your favorite place to sit at home?
Do friends call you before they stop by?
What do you look for in a friend now?
What qualities would your relationships ideally have?
What grabs your attention when someone walks by?
What charity work have you done?
How do you prefer that affection is expressed toward you?
What are two things that help people have a close relationship?
What kinds of people do you like the most?
Who is the kindest person you have ever known?
What quality do you like most in a person?
What makes someone unforgettable?
What are three good reasons someone should have you for a friend?
How long have you known your best friend?
What have you learned from your enemies?
Are you slow to trust people?
What traits do you not like in other people?
You can tell a lot about a person by _____.
What is a parent's greatest accomplishment?
What do you think is the most difficult aspect of being a parent today?
How many children have you planed to have?
What is the greatest lesson a child ever taught you?
Is it harder, easier, or the same to love an adopted child?
When should you tell a child that there is no Santa Clause?
What is the oldest age that you would want to begin parenthood?
How can you make your mom or dad smile?
Do you like to be around children?
What is your definition of love and how would you describe it to a child?
What is the most exciting thing you have ever done on a dare?
List ten things that you like to do for fun. Were they on your list five years ago?
What song best captures an experience or feeling you had?
What was the last book that you read and why did you choose it?
During which movie did you laugh the most?
What is the most fun you have ever had?
What book do you strongly recommend?
What song do you consider the most romantic?
Would you sing karaoke in front of strangers?
Would you compete in a beauty contest?
What figures do you doodle?
Do you enjoy playing games or have to win to enjoy?
Do you like being on the phone?
Do you mark in the books you read and why?
What performer would you most like to see in person?
What songs do you know by heart?
What things have you made by hand for people?
What circus act would you like to perform?
Where do you shop the most?
Do you write letters or postcards?
What picture would you like of something?
What song makes you instantly happy?
What is something you do to relax?
Do you prefer quiet of vivid paintings?
If you could paint anything in the world what would it be?
Do you color in coloring books?
Who is the most romantic singer?
What thoughts and feelings come to mind when you think of "play"?
If you were an artist, what would the theme of your drawings or paintings be?
Do you keep a sketchbook or diary?
Does it usually take you a long time or a short time to read a book?
Would you rather swim in the ocean or in a pool?
Do you think you are hard on yourself?
What is something you would like to do to improve your life?
What type of underwear do you prefer? Do you care what color it is?
Over the course of your life, what have you probably spent more time pondering than anything else?
In what ways are you creative?
Do you talk in your sleep?
Do you RSVP or ignore responding?
Are you well organized?
Do you set your watch exactly, ahead, or behind?
What is your favorite ice cream flavor and brand?
What do you often dream of?
Do you watch what you eat, or eat what you want?
Are you patient or impatient while waiting for something?
What is one of the simple pleasures in life you truly enjoy?
Do you seek out new experiences every day?
Do you prefer to watch or participate?
Do you prefer typing or writing in longhand?
What do you think about when you daydream?
Do you make the bed daily?
What do you wish for on pennies in a wishing well?
Do you dream in color or black and white?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
What is you favorite type of kiss?
How long does it usually take before you will sleep with someone?
What are the best reasons for getting married?
Do you believe it is possible to be with one person for the rest of your life?
What terms of endearment do you use?
Have you ever been in love with more than one person at a time?
What is a fulfilled sexual fantasy of yours?
What are the ways you like love to be shown to you?
What happened to your first love?
Define the perfect marriage?
Is marriage an outdated institution?
What is love and what makes love last?
Define "intimacy".
What about love makes you afraid?
In a relationship, how much independence do you need?
Are you possessive or jealous by nature?
What is the typical reason you end the relationship?
What is your strongest sexual asset?
Do you believe soul mates meet by accident or destiny?
What makes you blush?
Do you think honesty is always the best policy?
Do you think it is possible to live with no regrets?
What is your greatest talent?
What legacy would you like to leave behind?
Do you like or dislike change?
What is the most beautiful word in the English language?
What is your worst nightmare and how often do you have nightmares?
What will and will you not compromise on?
What things were you once afraid of, but are no longer?
Which of life's mysteries are you most curious about?
What superhero powers would you like to have?
Where do you have immense patience and very little patience?
What are some big things that make you happy?
What gives you a feeling of abundance in life?
Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
What three wishes do you have for your genie in a bottle?
What are you proudest of about yourself?
What is your need for privacy?
What is the worst thing that could happen to you if you took a risk and failed?
What is the best thing that could happen to you if you took a risk and succeeded?
How do you want your obituary to read?
Anticipation or the real thing, which is better?
What are the things you must do before you die?
What is the most interesting question has anyone ever asked you?
What makes you sad?
If you could create something very beautiful, what would it be?
What is your secret passion?
Do you like or dislike challenges?
How does one become a person of character?
What are your unfulfilled dreams?
What are some little things that make you happy?
When you look back on your life, what amazes you the most?
Are you an emotional person?
What is a secret that you keep from almost everyone?
What is one inhibition that you would like to loose?
Do you think there is life elsewhere in the universe?
Would you rather laugh or make others laugh?
Do you believe in fate?
Do you believe in self- fulfilling prophecy?
Is less more?
Are you a predictable or unpredictable person?
Are you a thinker or a doer?
Do you change your mind often or stick to your guns?
What do you like to do to life your spirits?
Of what ideas and lifestyles are you more tolerant of now than when you were younger?
What is the silliest thing people do in general?
What freedom do you value most?
Have you learned more from your successes or failures?
What is a fundamental truth that you hold?
Are you sympathetic to the underdog?
Who would you like others to think you are?
Do you concentrate on one great cause?
What is your favorite provision of the constitution?
What do you think is good about the world?
What are restrictions that you cannot stand living with?
Where are you likely to find untold treasures?
What is one thing in life that you care most deeply about?
What truth have you learned that you want to share?
Which would you like more, fame or success?
What is the perfect age and why?
How do you know "right" from "wrong"?
When is surrendering a weakness and when is it a strength/
What are three questions that you would like a world survey on?
What thought or sentiment would you like to put in fortune cookies?
Have you ever marched for or against anything?
While growing up, what did war mean to you?
What do you think of the creation and use of an international language?
Genetic engineering: beneficial or unnatural and potentially harmful?
What is your opinion of the draft?
How important is it to you to vote in local and national elections?
What is our country's most pressing problem today?
What will be the most powerful nation in 100 years?
If you were on a jury, could you send someone to death if he or she was found guilty of murder?
Why do you vote for "your" political party?
What news events have fascinated you?
How do you stand on the issue of abortion? Are you pro- life or pro- choice?
What do you think of equality in the military?
What is sacred?
The Bible: fiction or nonfiction?
Are you familiar with the beliefs of other spiritual traditions? Is there one that particularly interests you?
What additional commandment would you add to the ten?
Have you ever had psychic intuition or premonition?
Have any predictions for you come true?
If you believe in life after death, where do you think you are going or what do you think you are coming back as?
Do you read astrology column(s) regularly?
What is heaven like?
Do you believe in good luck charms?
Do you believe in miracles?
Does prayer help save people?
Have you ever doubted there was a God?
Do you believe in superstitions and how superstitious are you?
Do you believe in dj vu?
What do you really believe in?
Do you believe in angels?
What does God look like?
Do you believe in ESP, telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, or channeling?
When between Thanksgiving and Christmas does your holiday spirit peak?
Do you believe there are witches?
Do you believe in the Devil or demons?
Do you believe there is a hell? If so, how can you keep from going there?
What were the most important holidays in your childhood home?
What are the qualities you love about being human?
What do you consider as a necessary evil(s)?
What is it about spirituality that brings us so much satisfaction?
What experience fills you with peace?
What important decisions have you based on intuition?
What is your individual purpose on Earth?
Does your happiness outweigh regret in general?
Do you believe in destiny or choice?
What is your biggest regret?
What about beauty draws us to it and why does it make us feel good?
What is the greatest leap of faith you have taken?
What is your idea of paradise, either before or after death?
What are the things that you used to be afraid of?
Are there unforgivable acts? What are they and why?
Define "the good life".
How do you measure a person's success in life?
Is failure always bad and success always good?
What would your occupation have been in the Old/Wild West?
Does your work keep you awake at night? Why?
Do you have a calling?
If you could have had any job in history, what would it be and why?
In what field of endeavor would you like a two hour crash course?
Are you a better talker or listener?
Are you practical or ingenious?
How much time per day do you devote to yourself?
How forgetful are you?
Do you believe a person is defined by what he or she does for a living? Why?
Do you think people would be surprised about your thoughts? Why?
Are you willing to pay the price of success?
What is your greatest ability or gift?
What was the first time you discovered power?
What is your favorite way of wasting time?
What do you consider wasting time?
What is the highest honor you have ever received?
What is the most important thing to know about you?

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