
This blog is an on-going work in progress, just like its creator. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, and the not-so-innocent. The events portrayed are as true and accurate as my perspective and memory allows, and are subject to change without further notice in the future. You will not find any Pay Per Post on my blog... No advertising. No peddling of anything other than my personal thoughts, opinions, and experiences... If you are reading my words it is because you are choosing to share a birds-eye view into my playground, not because I am pounding down your door asking to come in out the elements uninvited. With all of that out of the way, I really am glad you are here…

Monday, March 27, 2006

All the Colors of the Rainbow...

Dear Friends;

Here is the survey that I finally participated in... As it is such an unheard of occurrence, I thought that I would save it in here for posterity... It was short and a bit different, perhaps that is what moved me to fill it out and post it. Or perhaps I am in the mood for being more revealing than usual. Either way... If you missed the bulletin, enjoy!

My First MySpace Survey:


1. Are you currently mad at someone?

Mad about someone... Everyone... I love people!

2. Which of your friends has the worst temper?

The Party Princess with angry friends... Please... We prefer the Art of Pleasure...

3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?

Kisses are best!

4. Does your face turn red when you're angry?

Have you known me to be angry?

5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream?

Neither, I walk away and move on... Life is far to short and I just don't have the time to waist on such things...


1. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party?

I don't like surprises...

2. Are you easily excited?

How good are you?

3. What event is coming up that your most excited about?

The unplanned event that takes place every day in between the crazy schedule that I maintain...

4. Which of your friends is most excitable?

All of my friends are highly responsive people...

5. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought?


6. If you could have anything right now what would it be?

Everything... Doesn't everyone?


1. Name?

Which one??

2. Where were you born?

Here... 1st generation American on one side and the land of my forefathers on the other...

3.Whats your main goal in life?

To live it...

4. Do you want to have children?


5. How do you want to die?



1. Gay Marriage?

Love is love. And marriage is just a type of contractual agreement...

2. Lowering the drinking age?

(Go Laura!) Lower the drinking age, raise the driving one... This way you can really celebrate when you turn 18... Drive, drink, graduate from high school, fight for your country, get married, and have sex, all legally!!

3. Capital Punishment?

Should they really sell tickets to view that??

4. Abortions?

My body my choice in all matters...

5. Recycling?

Is good for the planet...


1. What was your latest dream?

If you ask me when I'm asleep, I might tell you then...

2. Which of your friends do you dream about the most?

Which of the friends am I vibin' on at the time?

3. Have any of your dreams come true?

I tend to spend the time problem solving...

4. Do you usually remember your dreams?

I see a haze... a swirling mist... for just a few more dollars the clarity might surface... oh it's fading... moving back into the shadows... ahhh... it's getting dim... Sorry...

5. What was the weirdest dream you've ever had?

The first time that I piloted a glider I dreamt I was Snoopy, WWI Flying Ais (Ace... I know...)


1. Straight, Gay, Bi?

What didn't I kiss you too?

2. do you have a bf/gf?

As many of both as possible

3.do you have a crush?

Not into orange soda, but the fridge is stocked with Jones's Sour Apple Soda and Diet Coke

4 who is the best "hugger" you know?

Hmmm... I won't kiss and tell names... Why would I hug and tell? But I will say this: The kind of hugs I like best are the ones that pick me up off the ground or swing me around...

5. Do you believe in Love at first sight?

Every time that I look into a mirror...

6. Have you ever been in love?

Just this weekend I was in love with the body heat that kept me warm, the new pink galoshes that kept my feet away from the mud, the kissing liquor that was being generously shared, and the wonderful friends that I spent time with...

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