
This blog is an on-going work in progress, just like its creator. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, and the not-so-innocent. The events portrayed are as true and accurate as my perspective and memory allows, and are subject to change without further notice in the future. You will not find any Pay Per Post on my blog... No advertising. No peddling of anything other than my personal thoughts, opinions, and experiences... If you are reading my words it is because you are choosing to share a birds-eye view into my playground, not because I am pounding down your door asking to come in out the elements uninvited. With all of that out of the way, I really am glad you are here…

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Bring on the Braids...

Dear Friends;

It is once again that time. Time to be me and look back in wonder at the world that lies before me.

I was flying this latest trip. Rather than driving and seeing the road pass under the hood of Gracie and stopping for coffee in the weird and unknown locations and collecting postcards to mail away. This time I flew.

I decided that as I was on a late plane out, that dressing for the flight was really silly. Everyone will be nodding off, no business suits to drool over and milkshake date with my brother as soon as I step off the plane. So I braided my hair, put on a sherpa newsboy cap, and dressed casually in my new gaucho jeans and baby doll top. Nothing tight or fitted. No major make up. Just me and a really cool pair of boots. This becomes important later.

It started with me cramming an in an out cheeseburger into my mouth at the side of passenger drop off… Right in front of the Sheriff standing curbside. It must have made his night because he was openly laughing.

Hey I was hungry and the gourmet bakery that we had stopped in at on the way to the airport was closed early for the day. That left fast food. So I succumbed to a very messy cheeseburger. I will pay for it for the next week, and I can hear my arteries crying out in protest, but it was actually pretty good. Face cramming mess and all. I even had Allyn hug me goodbye in a way that enabled me to check my teeth and make sure that I was smile worthy.

You should have seen me when I was selecting the phone in the first place. It is one of the low-end models. Partly because I did not want one that had a camera feature on it and largely due to the fact that it was the only phone with a mirror on it. Perfect for checking teeth and lipstick. Very discreet. Especially when you are enveloped in your best friends arms the way that I was when I was standing curbside a few hours ago. Especially when the Sheriff is already watching me to see what funny thing I will do next to entertain him.

I have two philosophies when going through airport security. One: Smile big and say hello to everyone. Two: Always wear silly socks. It works like a charm every time. Even the grumpiest of personnel become friendly when greeted by my socks and a smile.

This time I was told that my smile was beautiful and was engaged in lengthy conversation while I was putting all my things back on and repacking my laptop. I ended up with a phone number and an earnest “Please call and keep in touch so we can go out when you are next in town”. Cool. Not too bad for being in braids.

I headed up to the gift shop to get more postcards to send to everyone. While I was paying for them the attendant at the register looked at my ID and said my name. Correctly. And then she proceeded to tell me it was very sexy. I was very sexy. And she gave me one of those long, long looks. I need to master that look. Wow Lorna, you are pretty sexy yourself. Okay so the braids are not as bad as I thought.

I left the gift shop and found my gate. I sat down and was immediately engaged in conversation by someone. Who also told me how beautiful my smile was. We had a wonderful conversation, short as it was because his flight was boarding.

I even refrained from telling him that his eyes were dreamy. Who says that really? “Your eyes are sooo dreamy…” Brain, please kick in at some point here. Say something to the pretty man who is very obviously interested in you. Nope. It was all that was going through my head.

We exchanged numbers and he barely made his flight. He was so distracted he kept the cap to my pen… So now I have to see him, I mean what is a pen without it’s cap right?

Actually I am bummed about the cap because it is the pen that I swiped from the hotel we stayed at when my Team medalled at State a few months back. It was kind of a safe travel/ lucky pen sort of a thing. Silly. I know. But there it is. So Mr. Dreamy Eyes, I really do want to see you again, but I also want the cap to my pen back… Oh well… But the bright side is, I think the braids might actually be okay.

The flight attendant from the UK chatted me up during the flight. He reminded me of Patrick Stewart. He even had the accent. Love it. I was even given a cheeky wink when I was passing by him on the way to the loue.

I am beginning to think the braids are not just not bad, not just okay, but downright awesome. They certainly seem to be working for me. Like my own personal press agent. Maybe it’s the hat… Or the combination of the two. Either way it has made for an entertaining night of travel. Especially since I was just looking forward to having a strawberry milkshake with my brother after an up close and personal view of the stars.

As I am writing this as I fly over the State, I am wondering what the effect the braids will have in San Diego. I find that the more I am away, the less like So.Cal. Barbie I become. Instead of standing out in San Francisco or Seattle, I now stand out at home. I look like I am visiting from somewhere else. Which I guess I really am now.

At least I will be able to ask my brother what he thinks. He is the one picking me up from the airport. I am so excited, I can’t wait. I feel like I have been gone forever, and in 24 hours I will be gone again.

Whatever do you do about laundry though? I still can’t figure that one out.

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