
This blog is an on-going work in progress, just like its creator. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, and the not-so-innocent. The events portrayed are as true and accurate as my perspective and memory allows, and are subject to change without further notice in the future. You will not find any Pay Per Post on my blog... No advertising. No peddling of anything other than my personal thoughts, opinions, and experiences... If you are reading my words it is because you are choosing to share a birds-eye view into my playground, not because I am pounding down your door asking to come in out the elements uninvited. With all of that out of the way, I really am glad you are here…

Thursday, November 15, 2007

It was a beautiful sunrise...

Here is my message for today: Transform. The best expression that I have to explain what I mean is a quote from Pablo Picasso...

"Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun. "

I have also seen it quoted this way:

"There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun."

Either way... I think you get what I am trying to say...

Today is a great day! I woke up with the sun and was ready to conquer the world! (Not to mention that I woke up next to The Boyfriend, and that is always a fantastic way to start the day.)

Last night I felt like I (finally) got something accomplished. (While I am still beating my head against the wall in regards to tests... I am moving forward in other important arenas...) With tons and tons of help from The Boyfriend, and a good deal of imput and explaining from his delightful friend, I took the first truly solid steps towards making my new (ad)venture a reality.

I am now the proud owner of domain names! I even have a web hoster! (Whoot! Whoot!) I have a name (Which I will share once the business and NPO registrations go through...) a logo, and a mantra. I have the outlines of a mission statement. I have a target and a real goal, as well as an outline. You should see my notebook. (And I mean the old-fashioned, spiral bound kind... It is how I brainstorm best...) It is filled on both sides with information and doodles and thoughts and things to do and, and, and... The list goes on and on.

My only complaint is that it is not going along fast enough. I have to keep telling myself that it has only been SIX days. tomorrow it will be SEVEN, as in a WEEK. What can one person do in a week? (The answer is everything and nothing. A lot, but not enough. Too little, but still something.)

So there you go. This is me. Taking on this piece of the world. It makes me excited to think that I am really doing this. Even if I fail, I will still succeed. Just one person effected and it is worth it. (But I am an idealist. I have to be right now.)

And that is something else... The Boyfriend says that thinking and hearing about all of this is sad. (Don't get me wrong, he has been incredibly supportive. He came home for lunch yesterday after I posted my Blog and hugged me until I was ready to let go.) It is difficult for him to think about what it all means. For me, I see the horrible reality of it all, but I also see that at least it can be changed. That there are others, just like me, that want to do something, that are doing something, to make a difference. (And I laugh because he calls me the most pessimistic Pollyanna that ever was. I laugh because I worry about all of the things that could go wrong, or may not work, but then I still look at what CAN happen with such rose-colored glasses... And let me tell you, it makes the sunrises SOOOOOOOO beautiful! And yes, I saw another sunrise today. And yes, I was the good girlfriend and let The Boyfriend sleep blissfully, that is until I noticed a small home invasion in the form of a small spider climbing up the wall near my head. Then I prodded him awake with "get the spider". Which he did, and then rolled back over to sleep until the alarm went off...)

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