
This blog is an on-going work in progress, just like its creator. The names have been changed to protect the innocent, and the not-so-innocent. The events portrayed are as true and accurate as my perspective and memory allows, and are subject to change without further notice in the future. You will not find any Pay Per Post on my blog... No advertising. No peddling of anything other than my personal thoughts, opinions, and experiences... If you are reading my words it is because you are choosing to share a birds-eye view into my playground, not because I am pounding down your door asking to come in out the elements uninvited. With all of that out of the way, I really am glad you are here…

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Top 20 Reasons to be HAPPY in February 2008:

Top 20 Reasons to be HAPPY in February 2008:

01.) finishing up projects
02.) reconnecting with friends
03.) creating new incredible recipes
04.) knowing that Dear Friends are jumping into new phases in their lives
05.) being off the pill is actually a good thing
06.) jelly beans
07.) finally seeing all of the LOST episodes
08.) post it love notes
09.) Valentine's pizza
10.) designer raincoats and windbreakers for more than 90% off
11.) beautifully made beds that look like they could be in a high-end hotel or magazine
12.) belly dancing on U-Tube
13.) waking up next to dimples each morning
14.) "NOT" craving coffee every morning
15.) discovering that the skinny girl on the elliptical machine next to you wears the same size pants as you
16.) 1970's green leather purses
17.) being able to leave the window open all day long
18.) cuddling on the sofa to watch movies
19.) resolving to not take on so many new projects
20.) meeting with more Legislators and bending their ears about breast cancer

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